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Gracie Ortega does not want to see Melina Zarate even though she is in the United States: “I will not even leave my children, I slandered them” |  Showbiz |  Offers

Gracie Ortega does not want to see Melina Zarate even though she is in the United States: “I will not even leave my children, I slandered them” | Showbiz | Offers

Gracie Ortega He said he was not interested in seeing his sister. Melina ZarateAfter learning that he is spending his vacation in the United States.

“I know she’s here, but I’m not interested in seeing her and I’m not letting my children go. I can’t forget when he sat in front of the TV to slander my children. My little children don’t need more love than I do,” Ortega said.

Melina also doesn’t want to see Gracie

In an interview with Trom. Melina Zarate He ruled out that he has any intention of reuniting with his sister, Gracie Ortega, who lives in the United States.

“On the 14th I will go on a concert tour to the United States, I will go with my friend and my daughter. I will also see my brother Juan Carlo.”s”, select Zarate.

Your sister Gracie is in the United States. Do you rule out meeting her again?

Yes people are the way they are, she has a bad personality and her actions always showed suspicious things, and I don’t want to be involved or involved in it. However, I hope I can see my nephews (Gracey’s kids).

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