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Christian Nodal sends a strong message to Kazoo in his latest concert;  Fans claim he used a phrase from Belinda

Christian Nodal sends a strong message to Kazoo in his latest concert; Fans claim he used a phrase from Belinda

Before the release of “Cactus”, Belinda’s fans were sure that the song would be a tirade against her ex-husband Christian Nodal. Credit:nodal,belindaphotos,IG

Separation Christian Nodal and Kazoo It not only became a favorite topic of social networks and media, but also shocked fans of the participating artists and the general public.

It was just last Thursday, May 23, when the regional Mexican music singer Spread the news through stories From your Instagram account. With a message written in white letters on a black background, she informed her fans and the media that she and her partner were separating.

“It is time for Giulietta and I to go our separate ways. Our love and respect for each other remains strong, especially in our roles as parents to our daughter Inti. I am so grateful for the moments we shared and will always hold those memories fondly. I appreciate your support and understanding during this time of change.

The couple broke off their relationship. (Instagram)

from your side Kazuo reacted A few minutes later with a post that, although not as clear as Nodal’s, revealed pain and disappointment in every word:

“Artists are a screen for what happens in real life. They pass with us love and heartbreak, successes and mistakes. Today, as has happened many times, and as many still do, they accompany us, some with hate and others with a lot of love. Thanks to you, everything heals.”

Cover: Giovanni Pérez, Infobae México.

The news spread throughout the media and was on Friday radio First hand, when the conductors gave the note for their concert in Monterey. During this show The singer said the phrase Which was taken by many, including Gustavo Adolfo Infante and his companions, as a hint about his break with Cazó.

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My contract simply said, plain and simple, into the microphone: “If you love someone, don’t leave them.”. A simple phrase that immediately sparked speculation of various kinds.

But after the phrase spread and spread on social networking sites, and thanks to the spread of the program itself, many of the singer’s fans found that Belinda had already used those words On previous occasions.

What will Christian Nodal and Belinda’s children look like? picture:

“Nobody remembers it’s the same phrase Belinda said at a concert.”“Belinda said the same thing in an interview when they broke up”, “This phrase from Belinda”, “He used the same words that Belinda used. But Belinda will never go back to him after the way he treated her.“Those are the same words Belinda used at one of her parties. When he finished with the knot… then He still loves her” And “Obviously it wasn’t like that for Kazuo.”were some comments from netizens.