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Borrell reiterated that the European Union will not review the sanctions imposed on the Maduro regime unless free elections are held in Venezuela

Borrell reiterated that the European Union will not review the sanctions imposed on the Maduro regime unless free elections are held in Venezuela

The EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell (AP Photo/Fernando Vergara)

High Representative for Foreign Policy of the European Union, Josep BorrellOn Thursday, he indicated that the bloc would review individual sanctions against leaders of Nicolás Maduro’s regime, “in line” with changes promoted by Caracas for free elections.

“You are moving towards Democratic normalization and adjusting the conditions to allow for inclusive, free and fair elections, the EU is willing to gradually review the sanctions,” the head of community diplomacy noted in a press conference from Bogota where he met with the Colombian foreign minister, Alvaro Leyva.

Borrell made it clear that this reorganization of the European Union will take place “in parallel” with the changes Venezuela is making that allow for democratic elections. “This is completely different from canceling (sanctions),” he stressed.

The European Union’s chief of foreign affairs has been adamant about his intention to moderate his position on Venezuela and considers it necessary to make progress in the framework of Mexico negotiations between the regime and the opposition, is currently prohibited. “In any negotiation process, one side responds and the other responds,” Borrell said at the beginning of his trip to Bogota, where he participated in a conference on Venezuela organized by Colombian President Gustavo Petro.

The European Union considers that the political situation in Venezuela is “totally different” than it was a few months ago, with recent important changes both in the national field, with the dismissal of the “responsible” president Juan Guaidoas in the regional area with the restoration of relations with Colombia and Brazil, which is why it aspires to move to Caracas, where sanctions are an essential element.

A man exercises his right to vote at a polling station in Venezuela, in this file photo (EFE/Miguel Gutiérrez)

Yesterday, Washington confirmed that it would gradually lift the sanctions imposed on Venezuela If the country moves towards restoring fair elections.

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US Deputy National Security Adviser John Viner told reporters in Bogota on Tuesday that the United States does not want to maintain its restrictions on Venezuela “indefinitely” and would like to see the country prosper.

“We are fully prepared to reduce the pressure and eventually end our sanctions, but they will take concrete, significant steps and ultimately Free and fair elections to get thereFenner said.

Weiner made these statements after attending a summit organized by the Colombian government with the aim of unblocking the stalled negotiations between the Venezuelan government of Nicolás Maduro and the opposition.

Representatives from 19 other countries and the European Union also attended the ceremony, which was presided over by Colombian President Gustavo Petro.

US sanctions exacerbated Venezuela’s economic crisis by hampering oil sales, but failed to topple Maduro.

The government of US President Joe Biden expects a “step by step approach” Fenner said that steps towards restoring Venezuelan democracy are accompanied by measures to ease sanctions.

(With info from EP and Bloomberg)

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