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Who are the international leaders who will attend Javier Miley’s inauguration in Argentina?

Who are the international leaders who will attend Javier Miley’s inauguration in Argentina?

(CNN in Spanish) — Argentina is preparing for the inauguration ceremony next December 10, during which Javier Miley will take over leadership from current President Alberto Fernandez.

Throughout the election campaign, the leader of La Libertad Avanza made controversial statements about some world leaders, including Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, whom he described as “Communist.” On more than one occasion, Miley also spoke about the international alliances of his eventual government, limiting them to the United States and Israel.

Now, in the context of his inauguration, there are still some unknown names on the list of world leaders who will participate in the inauguration ceremony of his government.


Luis Lacalle Pou, Uruguay

Uruguay’s president is one of the leaders who confirmed his attendance on Sunday. Lacalle Pou will travel to Buenos Aires on Saturday, the presidential press officer told CNN.

Gabriel Buric, Chile

His presence at the transfer of command ceremony last Wednesday was confirmed by the Minister of the General Secretariat of the Government, Camila Vallejo. “This decision has been made,” Vallejo said. “The president represents the state of Chile, and as always, he will attend.” Conversation with the media.

“It is the standard that the president takes in all cases: to build and strengthen the country’s diplomatic relations with all countries regardless of whether we belong to a particular government or not,” Vallejo said.

Santiago Pena, Paraguay

Peña will be one of the leaders present at the ceremony, as confirmed by Paraguayan Foreign Minister Rubén Ramírez Lezcano. Interview With local media. “President Peña accepted the invitation of President Javier Miley to attend the transfer of command ceremony on December 10 in Buenos Aires.”

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Daniel Noboa, Ecuador

Recently elected Daniel Noboa will attend Sunday’s ceremony, the Presidential Secretariat of Communications (SECOM) confirmed to CNN.

Viktor Orban, Hungary

Orbán was one of those who confirmed his attendance on Sunday, the 10th of this month, via a message on his Twitter account, in which he wrote: “I recently had a phone conversation with Javier Miley to congratulate him on his brilliant victory in the Argentine presidential elections.” I look forward to starting work with a true patriot! See you at the opening in Buenos Aires.

Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky

According to sources from the incoming and outgoing Argentine government, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will attend the inauguration of Javier Miley.

CNN has contacted the Ukrainian government, but has not yet confirmed this.

Renato Florentino Pineda, Honduras

The Vice President of Honduras is traveling to Buenos Aires on behalf of President Xiomara Castro, according to the Honduran Ministry of Foreign Affairs. a permit.

King Felipe VI of Spain

The attendance of the Spanish King, Felipe VI, was confirmed last Friday, according to what was reported by the British newspaper “Daily Mail”. Telam News Agency Quoted by Palacio de la Zarzuela.

Other political figures who will participate in the ceremony

Jair Bolsonaro, former President of Brazil

The former president was one of the people who most celebrated the liberals’ victory. His son, Representative Eduardo Bolsonaro, traveled to the country on the occasion of the first round of elections, to accompany Milley while he waited for the results on election day.

On November 20, after Jair Bolsonaro’s victory in the second round He wrote on his Twitter account: “I received a phone call from Javier Maile, congratulating him on his victory, at the same time I was invited to attend the inauguration ceremony.” “Today, Argentina represents a lot for all those who love democracy and breathe freedom,” he added.

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On Tuesday, the former president submitted a request to the Supreme Court of Justice to travel to Argentina, which confirmed his presence in the country. “In view of the ongoing investigations and with deep respect for this court, the petitioner addresses the file to inform him that he will be temporarily absent from the country between December 7 and 11,” the petition said. This is a necessary formal process given the ongoing investigations against the former president, although he is not considering preventing him from leaving the country, according to reports. CNN Brazil.

Santiago Abascal, President of VOX

Several Spanish newspapers reported that the head of the Spanish far-right Vox party, Santiago Abascal, was also invited to attend Sunday’s ceremony. The press office of the Descenso Foundation, which is organizing the delegation’s trip, confirmed to CNN on Wednesday that Abascal will travel to Buenos Aires.

Abascal was one of the first political leaders to congratulate Miley on his win, with a letter on November 19 accompanied by a photo of the two of them. “Congratulations, dear Javier Miley, on your great victory in the Argentine presidential elections. Today the path to future and hope opens for Argentines and all of Latin America, which we in Spain celebrate with special joy. Long live Spain, long live Argentina, long live free.” Socialism and Sovereignty!” he wrote at the time.

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Leaders who will not attend

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, President of Brazil

Lula da Silva will not attend next Sunday’s ceremony, according to Brazilian Minister of Social Communications Paulo Pimenta. To Telam News Agency. In response to a question from the Argentine agency, Pimenta said, “Lula will not go to Buenos Aires.” The press secretariat of the Planalto Palace explained to Telam that the Brazilian government would be represented by Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira, who was ambassador to Buenos Aires for eight years.

Joe Biden, United States

A spokesman for Miley told CNN that Joe Biden will not be present at the inauguration due to other commitments on his schedule. Last week, Miley arrived in the United States with a small delegation, on his first trip as president-elect. During his visit, he held meetings with officials from the White House and the Treasury Department.

The US delegation will be led by Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm and includes Ambassador to Argentina Mark Stanley, Undersecretary of Transportation for Policy Carlos Monje, Undersecretary of Energy for International Affairs Andrew Light, and National Security Council Senior Director for the Western Hemisphere, Juan Sebastian. Gonzalez.

Daniel Ortega, Nicaragua

Days after Javier Miley’s inauguration, the Nicaraguan Foreign Ministry announced that it would withdraw its ambassador from Argentina, Carlos Medines, citing “repeated statements and expressions of the new rulers.”

Nayib Bukele, El Salvador

Although Bukele was one of those who congratulated Miley on his victory and made no secret of his liberal sympathies, a message from El Salvador’s presidency in the week before the election confirmed to CNN that the president would not be part of the party that wins. Attend the ceremony.

Bukele is on leave from the Legislative Assembly to devote himself to the electoral campaign for re-election in the elections scheduled for February 4, in a nomination whose constitutionality the opposition doubts.

With information from CNN’s Manuela Castro, Igancio Grimaldi and DJ Goode.