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“Myriam Germain was banned for the second time from evaluating the candidate for the position of TC judge” |  Daily menu

“Myriam Germain was banned for the second time from evaluating the candidate for the position of TC judge” | Daily menu

During public interviews conducted by the National Council of the Judiciary on Thursday, the Attorney General of the Dominican Republic, Miriam Germán Brito, refrained from asking questions of the aspiring judge of the Constitutional Court, Felix María Tenas de Sousa.

Germán Brito announced, during Tinas de Sousa’s presentation, that he would not ask him any questions because he works in the Public Prosecutor’s Office as chief of staff.

Tinas de Sousa was asked what traits “indicate the suitability of a constitutional judge,” and he replied that “the most necessary thing” is gender diversity.

One of the 115 candidates for the Supreme Court said: “Men and women have different ways of seeing life and can therefore contribute different points of view to the Constitutional Court.”

For the second time, Myriam Germain refrains from evaluating the candidate for the position of TC judge

Your experience

Tinas de Sousa also works as a tutor in Master’s programs in Constitutional Law at various universities, including the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), the Pontifical Catholic University y Maestra (Pucmm), the Open University for Adults (UAPA), and the Pontifical Technological University. de Santiago (Otesa), among other professions that he himself mentioned. He also works as an Assistant Professor at the National School of the Judiciary (ENJ) in the field of Constitutional Law and as a Professor of Human Rights at the National University of Pedro Henriquez Urena (Unphu).


This is the second time that Germain Brito has refrained from evaluating a candidate. The first time, the prosecutor carried out the same procedure with the participation of Amurri Amilcar Reyes, whom she described as her brother-in-law.

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