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WhatsApp |  How to send a blank message |  copy |  paste |  Smart phones |  wander |  trick |  nda |  nnni |  sports game

WhatsApp | How to send a blank message | copy | paste | Smart phones | wander | trick | nda | nnni | sports game

do you use Even to make a call? Without a doubt, Meta app has become one of the favorite apps in the world. Through it you can access various functions such as the use of emojis.

But one trick that many like is sending a blank message. Do you want to copy and paste transparent text? Then you will need to use all these steps in To get him.

Look: WhatsApp is finally adding a ‘More Interactions’ button in beta

How to send a blank message on WhatsApp: copy and paste

  • To do this you must enter this .
  • It is a website where you can copy and paste the famous blank message.
  • Once you decide what’s inside the box, go to WhatsApp.
  • Choose the conversation where you want to paste the transparent text.
This way your text will be blank so you can play a joke with your friends on WhatsApp.  (Photo: Mag - Rommel Yupanke)
This way your text will be blank so you can play a joke with your friends on WhatsApp. (Photo: Mag – Rommel Yupanke)
  • Now multiply it as many times as you like.
  • At that moment, click send and that’s it
  • You will have already sent this blank message on WhatsApp using copy and paste mode.
  • Remember to paste the text as much as possible so that it is as long as possible.

How to connect to WIFI without knowing the password

  • The first thing you should do is enter your cell phone settings .
  • There you will have to enter Wifi.
  • If your cell phone is connected to a Wi-Fi network and you need your friend to access it without a password, just tap on the network name.
  • Scan the QR code and that’s it, you can now get access to Wi-Fi without having to ask your friends for the password.
  • Best of all, you can connect and reconnect without the need for a password. Did you know?
  • In the case of iPhones, it is necessary to have a password written down.
See also  WhatsApp: The trick to reading messages deleted by your friends in the application

How can I hide my name in WhatsApp groups?

  • The first thing will be to enter this site .
  • Select what is in the box and copy it.
  • At that moment you should enter WhatsApp.
  • Click on Settings and from there on Profile.