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Vaccine orders are dangerous, but they can work (analysis)

Vaccine orders are dangerous, but they can work (analysis)

(CNN) – The partisan split in the American vaccine campaign against COVID-19 is set to go to HyperDrive on Thursday. President Joe Biden is then expected to announce that all federal employees and contractors will be vaccinated. Perform routine tests.

Vaccine orders are likely to be a politically divisive position and to divide the country politically in the absence of vaccines in general. However, they can vaccinate more individuals.

Take a look at the survey Kaiser Family Trust June in this case. The pollster specifically asked if employers would need a vaccine if there was no medical exemption. This question is a bit tougher than the question Biden asks, however it has a general purpose.

Only 51% of Americans supported such a move. 46% opposed.

By comparison, at the time, 65% of American adults surveyed said they had received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. In total, 68% have received a dose or are going to receive one as soon as possible. This Agrees With 69% of those vaccinated so far.

The same poll indicated that GOP-leaning Republicans and Independents (69%) were opposed to such a move, while Democrat-leaning Democrats and Independents (69%) were in favor of the majority.

In the same poll, Republicans (51%) had a small majority, saying they had been vaccinated with at least one dose. Other polls put the figure at a higher level.

The Kaiser poll alone shows that providing evidence for the vaccine is likely to create political divisions. April referendum University of Guinea Only 49% of Americans said a vaccination card or passport was a good idea to show their vaccine status. It was within the 45% margin, indicating that this was a bad idea.

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These numbers may actually underestimate the resistance against vaccine orders. A clear majority of 61% of current employees say their employers do not want to establish a vaccine requirement to go to work.

Once vaccination orders begin to be implemented across the country, it is not difficult to see how they will be rejected.

But here’s the thing: putting pressure on real sanctions on those who are not vaccinated can vaccinate people in a way that nothing has been done yet.

Only 14% of adults said they would never get vaccinated in the Kaiser survey.

The vast majority of people who are not vaccinated at this time say they will receive the dose of the vaccine sooner rather than later, wait until they receive one, consider it, or they will not do so unless compelled.

In addition, among unannounced employees, only 50% said they would quit their job if their employer forced them to be vaccinated. Another 42% said they would be vaccinated. This is true even though many of these employees do not want an order from the employer.

The employer’s requirements for vaccines may have a double impact. People who have been thinking about getting vaccinated will already be given a vaccine and have not already done so. They will get some people who don’t even think about getting a vaccine.

In fact, we know from past experience that making it harder for people to get vaccinated leads to more people being vaccinated. In California, for example, the percentage of students who received the childhood immunizations required to enter school increased.

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The question is whether employers and politicians feel the need to take a politically dangerous stance with regard to the Govt-19 vaccine. If cases continue to rise in the United States, they may be.