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They captured the moment the billionaire’s son refused to take a photo with Bad Bunny

They captured the moment the billionaire’s son refused to take a photo with Bad Bunny

A video of Puerto Rican singer Bad Bunny recently went viral on social media platforms due to a possible job that could have been done by the son of businessman Mark Cuban.

As we learned, the “Bad Bunny” was present at an NBA game, where the Cuban’s son rejected him, because he did not want to take a picture with him.

In the recording you can see the billionaire owner NBA Dallas MavericksThe singer, who was in one of the first rows of the sports complex, was asked to take a picture of him.

Accordingly, The man, who was with his son, tells him something related to Bad Bunny, which he believes was a photo op with the reggaeton player, to which the teen shakes his head..

In fact, it is possible in the recording to observe how the translator was able to see the behavior of the young man who continues as if nothing had happened.

Due to the boy’s refusal, comments on social media were immediate and opinions were divided.

In some cases, many took for granted the fact that the singer had been rejected. “Smart boy… I would have done the same thing.”wrote a user on X (Twitter).

“He did not refuse it, he simply did not want to. There are people who do not glorify personalities,” said another Internet user.

Some even considered it rude towards the singer: “It does not glorify anyone. It is simply polite. If they ask you to say hello, then out of politeness you say hello.”.