If you are one of those people who trust Astrologyits provisions and PredictionsYou will be interested to know that their predictions this time are based on an event known as Chiron retrograde in Aries. This is the backward or reverse movement of the asteroid entering the constellation of this zodiac sign.

This astronomical movement has a meaning in the world. Astrology It helps us to recognize the traumas of our past and heal wounds. That is why this phenomenon, which began on Friday, December 26 and continues until December 29, inspires predictions of great changes within people.
Chiron signs and retrograde in Aries
Chiron’s retrograde in Aries will allow each of the twelve Zodiac signs Know your weaknesses, as a starting point to be able to correct them. The horoscope confirms that these will be days to talk a lot, express feelings and thoughts, and above all, heal what hurts us.

In this context, as always, Predictions The follower Astrology They point out that this event will have a stronger impact on some zodiac signs than others. For this reason, below we present 3 signs that will experience an important change in their lives thanks to Chiron’s retrograde in Aries.

- Aries: It will be a stage of very deep inner questioning in which serious doubts will appear. The key will be to find your inner strength through more optimistic thinking, and thus impose positive change.
- Gemini: The changes that occur in your life will be driven by your actions towards others. There will be a karmic influence very present in everything you do, and this will motivate you to have a life dedicated to solidarity.
- Leo: The changes that come start with frustration and very strong feelings. But it is time to put on the table the confidence you have in yourself and the courage you have to use all these inner movements to your advantage.
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