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The excited reaction of a Cuban immigrant when he received his first paycheck in America

The excited reaction of a Cuban immigrant when he received his first paycheck in America

Having settled in Miami in Cuba, Yoel was happy to receive his first paycheck in the United States. (@mimaincuba)

A reaction Cuban immigrant Inside Miami He went viral when he received his first salary. I am the come America In 2021 and beyond Marie, his wife, has documented her experiences in her new country. He reacts to the fruits of his labor.

“Sign me up? Sign me up, sign me up… Look what I’m about to pull out of my pocket: my first ‘American’ check,” Yoel gushed to his partner, in a video they shared. instagram.

After moving to Yol Cuba To America, he and his wife set out to capture all of their “firsts”—moments like opening their first Christmas presents. Christmas Or visit a supermarket.

This is how Yoel prepared for his first day on the job in America. (@mimaincuba)

According to his biography Network lightBy recording Yoel’s reactions to these seemingly ordinary things, things one might take for granted, the pair aims to show the reality of immigrants through other people’s eyes, and “encourage immigrants to see hope.”

When Marie pointed out the tax break on her paycheck, Yoel reflected: “I’d love to leave this. Fidel Castro. Fidel Castro took a lot out of me, Communism took a lot out of me.

The check is the fruit of his efforts. Yoel realized for the first time what it was like to earn a living by working in a different economic system. The pride of defending himself by plucking the fruits was visible on his face.

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“This is my first hour test,” he introduced. “You feel that every hour of work is worth it, you feel that every hour of work is important in your life, and you know that you can fight for something… It’s a feeling that can’t be compared to anything, because I’ve never done it. It was in my country, there was nothing in Cuba. ” concluded Yoel.

Joel and Mari document their experiences since arriving in America. (@mimaincuba)

The earlier video was released the next day HalloweenThe video, which featured Cuban giving sweets to children, garnered more than 10 million views, with more than 2 million views. Like it And nearly 20,000 comments TikTok.

Mari began documenting Yoel’s experiences in April 2021. Previously, his social networks focused on telling Yoel the difficulties they faced in leaving Cuba. He later announced on Instagram: “Our content will be very different – it will focus on coming together for the first time in the 21st century. Our dream is to create content that speaks for the first time about the struggle of immigrants, the pain of Cuba and life.

Yoel started working within days of receiving his green card. (@mimaincuba)

The political implications of their positions did not go unnoticed by the young couple. By changing the focus of their social networks, they clarified what the new content meant for Cubans:

“Cubans are a different kind of immigrant (…) Cuba is destroyed by its current government and the tears come from the agony of not being able to express it freely without fear. The tears come from a life where your dreams are limited by a few people. The last thing I can say without fear: Down with the Cuban dictatorship and long live the free Cuba. Our Content All dedicated to the tens of thousands of Cubans killed in those 90 miles.”

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