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The delta variation seems to increase hospital admissions in Missouri

The delta variation seems to increase hospital admissions in Missouri

(CNN) – Health officials are making every effort to convince those still reluctant to get vaccinated against COVID-19, but no strategy seems to be the last-minute pass that could see President Joe Biden’s vaccination goal reach the United States. Types of localization.

“I don’t know if we’re doing anything there, it’s helping us to protect the finish line,” said Dr. Marcus Flesia, medical director of the Association of State and Regional Health Officers. “That’s the problem: we do everything we can to be effective, but it only allows us to maintain this consistent position, when all we really need to do is increase demand.”

Earlier this year, Biden set a goal that 70% of American adults should have received at least one dose of the vaccine by July 4. Despite the country approaching, 65.4% of adults have received at least one dose, but demand and vaccination rates have dropped, and experts are concerned about whether the population will be vaccinated in a timely manner. To prevent autumn and winter waves.

Low vaccination rates are dangerous when combined with the spread of variants such as delta, which are believed to be more contagious and cause more serious disease. Steve Edwards, CEO of Cox Health, a health organization based in Springfield, Missouri, told CNN that the combination would increase the number to six.

“I think it’s a delta variant, there’s a lot of firewood with low vaccination rates, so it spreads very quickly,” Edwards said. “It is my opinion that all of our cases are at risk during these epidemics.”

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Fortunately, there are strategies to promote successful vaccines, Plessia said. Some states, such as Colorado, make a last-ditch effort by inviting uninvited people to provide information and help schedule appointments. Incentives have also operated, from large ones such as the million dollar lotteries to free zoo tickets or food stamps, Plessia said.

He said one strategy recently supported by Plesia and other experts was to switch from mass vaccination efforts to local provider offices, which would be slow-moving but effective.

“We expect this to be an important public health activity for some time to come,” Plessia said.

Young people lagging behind in vaccination

Many officials have turned their attention to vaccinating teenagers, which shows a lower population in both vaccination rates and the desire to get vaccinated, according to studies from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. USA (CDC).

“High immunization coverage is important in reducing COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and mortality of all ages, especially among groups with the lowest vaccine consumption, such as young people,” the authors of one study wrote. Study Released on Monday.

If the weekly rate of vaccinations continued at the weekly rate of May 22, only 57.5% of adults under the age of 30 would have received at least one dose of the Govit-19 vaccine by the end of August.

The study found that more than 71% of people between the ages of 30 and 49 have been vaccinated with at least one dose at a time, as well as nearly 86% of adults between the ages of 50 and 64, and 95% of people over the age of 65.

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Only half of adults under the age of 30 reported being vaccinated or planning to be vaccinated, according to another study. CDC, 30 to 34 years (55%) and 35 to 39 years (53%).

The authors of the study said, “The desire to protect others and resume social activities was the impetus for getting the vaccine, suggesting that preventing the vaccine would help resume social activities and encourage vaccination for greater benefit.

Celebrations are still contagious, according to a study

With the increase in vaccinations, community gatherings, including weddings, birthdays and holiday celebrations, are reopening.

In many places, reopening does not stop progress in the fight against infection. On Monday, Maryland reported no COVID-19 deaths for the second day in a row, and reached the milestone of fully vaccinating 60% of adults in the state of Virginia.

But in districts with high rates of Govt-19, those celebrations could lead to further spread of the virus, according to published research. Jama Internal Medicine On Monday.

The researchers used private insurance data from 6,535,987 people living in 2,926,530 homes between January 1 and November 8, 2020. They adjusted the size of the house by comparing Govt-19 infections between births with and without homes in the previous two weeks.

Two weeks after the birth, they found that families had confirmed cases of COVID-19. The study found that the risk was even higher when the baby was on birthday.

Although informal meetings can affect the spread of COVID-19, they are more difficult to monitor than formal cases. The group says birthdays, which are often celebrated with meetings, provide an opportunity to explore their impact on the spread of COVID-19.

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“Events leading to small, informal community gatherings, i.e. birthdays and especially children’s birthdays, are important sources for the spread of SARS-CoV-2,” the group wrote.

CNN’s Gen Christensen, Virginia Longmaid, Dietrey McPhillips, Jennifer Henderson and Lauren Mascarenhas contributed to the report.