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“The communist cancer is lurking in Miami.”

“The communist cancer is lurking in Miami.”

Cuban YouTube Jonathan MontelongoKnown on social media by his nickname Goh Wayne, he received a surprise gift from Amazon, which he wasn't too happy about.

Through a video clip uploaded to his personal page InstagramWayne recounted that in the mailbox of the house where he lived, in Miami, they left him an envelope and when he opened it, he found an “unpleasant” surprise: the July 26 flag.

Screenshot from Instagram/joh_wayne7

“This seems disrespectful to me, but what comforts me is knowing that whoever did this is sure to harass me, and it is clear to him what my ideals and way of thinking are,” the Pinar del Río native wrote. , from It recently arrived in the United States.

“On the other hand, it is clear to me as well The communist cancer is lurking here in Miami, and there are many people living in this country who are using their freedom of expression to support the Cuban dictatorship“Added this YouTuber, who is very critical of the Havana regime, through the content he creates.

Although he did not mention names, the young man seemed to have an idea about the person who had given him such a unique gift and took the opportunity to leave him a message describing him as a “frustrated and undeserving communist.” The freedom this land gives you.”

The gift included in the envelope read: “Until you really get goosebumps. From Esteban and your God Fidel.

Goh Wayne has many followers from Cuba and Latin AmericaThanks to the interpretation of different personalities on social networks.

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Upon his arrival in the United States, he told his followers this When he left Cuba He did it “with a passport, a backpack, and a million dreams.” I left because I was not safe there, because I was afraid, because I was in danger, and above all, because I wanted to challenge the world, and in Cuba, I can barely eat my daily bread.

In a broadcast on social media, he told his followers that he feels very happy in this country, and that he hopes to settle in Miami, the city that hosts the largest Cuban community in exile.