The controversy erupted when the actress decided not to make statements to journalist Yulimer Obelmejias, who co-hosted the “Sábado en la Noche” program.
Through the television program “Sábado en la Noche” broadcast by Globovisión, the controversy in which the journalist was involved came to the fore. Yulimir Obelmejiasthe host Melissa Racio And the distinguished actress Carlota Sosa.
by longitude
During the press conference regarding the play “At the Foot of the Thames,” Opelmegias suffered from the rudeness of the 66-year-old actress, as she did not want to make statements.
? “For me, this is bullying”: Melissa Rausio speaks out about Carlotta Sosa for not giving an interview
Presenter Sábado en la Noche was going to attend the screening of “At the Foot of the Thames” to meet the film's heroes.
?:Globovision. pic.twitter.com/PZlMCbSW4E
— Impacto Venezuela (@ImpactoVE) January 21, 2024
“Now it's true! I am accused of bullying from a young woman who speaks with her jaw, and she is a journalist, as if I were a nun, hahahaha.”Sosa posted on his official account on the X platform.
Now that's true! Accused of bullying by a young lady who speaks with her jaw and who looks as much to a journalist as I do to a nun. Hahahahaha I inform those mentioned that I have the full right to choose who to give statements to. And I'm a little tired of so much ignorance.
-Carlotassosa (@carlotassosa) January 21, 2024
Meanwhile, TV host Globovisión published a carousel where you can read a message addressed to Sosa.
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