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Everything you need to know about the meteor showers that will cross the sky at the same time

July has been a month of plenty of cosmic activity and it still has a gift for us at the end of the month: a double meteor shower.

It’s about South Delta Aquariid Meteor Shower Which will reach its maximum activity at the end of July. This year it will coincide with a second, smaller meteor shower, “Alpha Capricorn”.

The Delta Aquariids occur each year in late summer in North America. This year’s peak activity will occur early Tuesday morning, July 30. With 15 to 20 meteors expected to be visible per hour in the Northern Hemisphere, Under a dark sky.

While in the southern hemisphere, observation will be better. According to American Meteor Society, The rains will continue until August 21.

At about the same time, the Alpha Capricornid meteor shower will produce about five meteors per hour and It will continue until August 15th.

Here’s what you need to know about the Delta Aquarids and other meteor showers.

What is a meteor shower?

Several meteor showers occur each year and you don’t need any special equipment to see them.

Most meteor showers come from cometary remnants. The Delta Aquarids are thought to have come from comet 96P/Machholz. The Alpha Capricornids come from comet 169P/NEAT.

When rocks from space enter Earth’s atmosphere, air resistance makes them extremely hot. This causes the air around them to glow and briefly leaves a burning tail behind them: What we usually call a “shooting star”.

Pockets of glowing air surround fast-moving space rocks, ranging in size from a speck of dust or rock to more than 10 inches across. It may be visible in the night sky.

These two meteor showers are not large in size, but the Alpha Capricornid shower usually produces very bright meteors, said astronomer Don Polacco of the University of Warwick.

He added that for skywatchers, “one bright star is worth 20 dim ones.”

How to see the meteor shower at the end of July?

Meteor showers are usually more visible. Between midnight and before dawn.

It is easiest to see meteors under a dark sky, away from city lights. Meteor showers are also brightest on clear nights, when the Moon is much waning.

Your eyes will adjust better to seeing meteors if you’re not looking at your phone. “It ruins your night vision,” says NASA’s Bill Cook.

The Southern Hemisphere will have the best view of the Delta Aquariids. Coinciding with the full moon waning by about 30%, the clearest viewing will occur after midnight.

When is the next meteor shower?

The Meteor Society maintains an updated list of upcoming major meteor showers, including peak viewing days and moonlight conditions.

The next great meteor shower will be the Perseids, which will reach Earth. Peak in mid-August.

When and where can you see the Geminid meteor shower?