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Do vaccinators trying to enter the United States need a Covit-19 test?

Do vaccinators trying to enter the United States need a Covit-19 test?

As the vaccination rate in different countries has improved, people have started making trips for tourism or work, however, different suspicions have arisen among these travelers.

With recent announcements sent by U.S. health officials, many questions have been raised, for example, whether it is necessary to enter the United States even when a negative Govt-19 test is vaccinated.

As the vaccination rate has improved in different countries, more and more people have started traveling in droves for tourism or work, however, different suspicions have arisen among these travelers.

Can read: People who have been vaccinated in the United States can go without a mask in very closed and open spaces

Faced with these questions, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, for its acronym in English), cited by Viv USA, present a fully tested vaccine, i.e., two doses of anticoagulant vaccine, confirming that they must always be negative to enter the United States.

Another requirement is to provide a certificate of recovery if the patient has been ill for the past three months and not more than 72 hours after the test was performed.

Why? Scientific studies conducted within the framework of the development of different vaccines have confirmed that having a complete vaccination program is not 100% sure that a person will not get the virus.

The CDC recently announced that those who have been vaccinated without a mask can go to open and closed spaces. Photo: EFE

In addition, the vaccine can significantly reduce the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on the immune system of the population and, therefore, prevent the vaccinated person from spreading it to others. Be vulnerable or at risk and, in the worst case, not vaccinated.

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These activities, according to health officials, increase the risk when they are people traveling from one country to another, and, above all, can make people more aggressive because of variations in the virus.

Also read: The United States now provides immunity against Govt-19 to adolescents 12 to 15 years of age

On May 13, CDC Director Rochelle Valensky announced that full vaccinated people could be kept in very open and closed areas without wearing a mask.

“Anyone who is fully vaccinated can participate in large and small indoor and outdoor activities without wearing a mask or keeping a physical distance. If you are fully vaccinated, you can stop doing it because of the infection, ”Valensky said on the day.

However, tourists entering the country are advised to wear a mask and use body distance, even if they test negative Govt-19, at airports, hotels and the places they request.