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Ventanedo drivers destroy Christian Nodal’s clothes at Premios Le Nistro

Ventanedo drivers destroy Christian Nodal’s clothes at Premios Le Nistro

yesterday, Lo Nuestro Awards 2022 They gave a lot to talk about, because the event in general was a surprise to the audience who were eager to see who it would be Winners of different categories which constitute the awards dedicated to Latin music.

The thing that caught the newscasters’ attention in particular was the appearance of the artists of the moment Red Carpet Awards CeremonyWell, just as there were those who simply left their mouths open for the gorgeous designs they were wearing, there were those who were heavily criticized for their wardrobe choice.

Within this second group stands out Christian Nodalwho, by the way, was awarded Artist of the Year in the Regional Mexican category.

Read on: Lo Nuestro Awards 2022: Check out the best and worst dressed of the night

Well, despite his musical successes and the excellent presentation he gave Lo Nuestro Awards 2022The Drivers “rewind” They considered that her clothes were not the best.

This, referring to the red plastic suit that Translator of “bottle after bottle” At the award ceremony, which was clearly out of place in a festive event like Lo Nuestro Awards 2022.

In addition, they also indicated that it was not true Streptococcus She stepped up to pick up her award in dark glasses, but Patti Chaboye pointed out that this may be due to the fact that all lights and reflectors denote the stages, and this sometimes damages the artists’ complexion and vision.

For their part, users of social networks did not hesitate to comment on the clothes of Nodal, but rather made some similarities with Mexican dishes and ingredients.

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There were also some users who considered that the representative of the Mexican region pushed (unintentionally, wanting) a tribute to the pop princess, who in one of her music videos wears an iconic suit that, oddly enough, is also a plastic red.

Do you like her clothes? Would you have preferred for someone else to choose?

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