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United States of America: “Lifting sanctions on the Nicolas Maduro regime without fundamental commitments would be a mistake.”

United States of America: “Lifting sanctions on the Nicolas Maduro regime without fundamental commitments would be a mistake.”

Pictured is US Ambassador to Venezuela James Story. EFE / Christian Hernandez / Archive

The Ambassador of the United States to Venezuela, James’ story, He returned to the statement Your support for open negotiations between the Venezuelan regime and the opposition; He stressed that Washington is already studying how “Make changes to penaltiesIt was imposed against Nicolas Maduro’s regime.

We support the Venezuelan democratic forces, the Venezuelans, in this dialogue process. We will assess upcoming achievements and consider how to make changes to sanctions. But he explained:Lifting sanctions without core obligations would be a mistake“.

“We are ready to assess the sanctions as long as there are irreversible changes in the restoration of democracy in Venezuela,” he added during the radio program “Hello Ambassador.”

Thus, Story once again supported the decision of the Venezuelan opposition leader to open a dialogue with Maduro, and even supported a possible initiative to impeach the president against the president because he considers the Maduro government to be illegitimate. “We support this process and we will see if something is truly achieved that serves the interests of the Venezuelans.“, pointed out.

On the other hand, the regime’s foreign minister said, Jorge ArizaHe defended the terms of dialogue with the opposition: “President Nicolas Maduro’s demands for dialogue with the opposition are logical: respect for international law and the Venezuelan constitution. Punishments, ignorance of the authorities and the freezing of state resources are illegal.”

This week, Guaidó urged the political structures he leads to take to the streets.To meet peopleTo submit the call National Rescue AgreementWho is considering negotiating with the regime to find a way out of the country’s crisis.

Leader of the Venezuelan opposition, Juan Guaidó.  EFE / RAYNER PEÑA R.
Leader of the Venezuelan opposition, Juan Guaidó. EFE / RAYNER PEÑA R.

We are going to the streets to deliver the deal and save Venezuela together. Let’s go meet people and make a national rescue agreement. “We cannot leave anyone behind, we must all unite,” said Guaidó during a meeting with members of the opposition.

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At the meeting, he insisted that, “Basic and elemental“Investigation”The biggest and best union possible“To move forward with the goal of achieving political change.”It is urgent in the country to end the worsening crisis“.

Former Speaker of Parliament who indicated that the National Salvation AgreementWhatever fits“, Noting that it should be concluded with a timetable for the elections.”Free and impartial, including presidential, parliamentary, regional and municipal, with international observation and support“.

What’s more, It should include the massive flow of humanitarian aid and vaccines against COVID-19Guarantees for all actors in the democratic and Chavismo forces, “with mechanisms to re-institutionalize Venezuela and release all political prisoners.”

It should also be permitted, according to Guaidó, Return of the exiles and transitional justiceAnd offered in return. “Incentives for this scheme” Including “Gradual lifting of penalties provided that the basic objectives of the agreement are achievedSomething that does not depend on the opponent but on the countries that imposed it.

The former legislator stated that “it is not true that there is a strong dictatorship,” referring to the Venezuelan regime, referring to (Nicholas).Maduro has no control over anything“, Despite the fact that it is he who has complete control over all institutions in his favor.

Chavezmo has strengthened further since last January, when, after five years in the hands of the opposition, parliament was restored after elections that many of the international community considered rigged.

(With information from Europa Press and EFE)

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