Jonny Rodriguez Ortiz, president of the Electric Power Authority (AJAEE) Retirees Association, today condemned what he described as vandalism and destruction of documents, blaming PREPA executives and LUMA Energy officials for building the electric power system. Electric Power Authority (SRAEE).
“As a night thief, they took advantage of the weekend when employees were out of the office to destroy equipment and documents, as well as hide evidence of debts of more than $618 million, sensitive documents on power retirees and even employees who recently resigned,” Rodriguez Ortiz summed up.
Rodriguez also criticized that LUMA Energy employees “were not able” to restore electricity service to the more than 100,000 subscribers who had problems with the system this weekend.
The president of the PREPA Retirees Association stressed that thanks to employees who recorded videos and took photos, “we learned of the looting in the SRAEE Office of Accounting and Budget, in an attempt to hide sensitive documents of retirees, as well as the liquidation of new retirees and incentives for resigning employees.”
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“All this turmoil has created even greater difficulties when processing the pensioners’ payroll for the current month of June and the numerous retirement requests received in recent weeks,” Rodriguez Ortiz emphasized.
After the vandalism, management Maria Hernandez, on instructions from the SRAEE Board of Trustees, contacted Puerto Rican police, who were taking fingerprints, gathering information and recording videos as part of the investigation. “In a criminal act, they forced entry into the vault of the system where sensitive information on working and retired employees is located, such as birth certificates and Social Security numbers,” the AJAEE chief said.

He insisted that, with this action, they “attempted to hide our information, because they did so knowing that some employees did not have a ‘backup’ of their computer data. Likewise, we don’t know how many documents they shredded in trying to hide evidence of the millionaire’s private debts.” PREPA with our pension system, but we assure you that it will not be so easy.”
Rodríguez Ortiz expressed that, in light of recent events, it is “obvious” that Governor Pedro Pierluisi “is a partner in LUMA and is behind this whole strategy of stone throwing and hiding his hand as he pledged last week a public commitment at a press conference to respond to PREPA’s millionaire debt with our pension system, But at the end of the week they sabotage everything in their path.”
He emphasized that their commitment is so clear that the Juan Ruiz Vélez building, where our pension system facilities are located, has been named LUMA. They acted behind the back of the SRAEE Board of Trustees Chairman and Members. “They do not respect anyone and want to destroy everything in their path and destroy and trample on their own illegal imposition and behind their backs,” he said.
It concluded, “No employee of PREPA, LUMA, or a private subcontracting company is above the law and should be held accountable for this criminal act. Likewise, the Governor is not exempt, nor is the senior management of both entities because the employees do not send themselves alone. There should be Someone has supervised and escorted them throughout this looting. Hopefully the Puerto Rican police, the Department of Justice and the courts will clarify what happened.”
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