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The Instagram wall that became Facebook ten years ago

The Instagram wall that became Facebook ten years ago

Instagram is testing a new update to publish a “Wonder Wall” post. (Adobe Stock)

new to update to Instagram It will enable users with a new function called “Note Wall” or “The strange wall“, which allows the posting of short messages and emojis that can be up to 60 characters.

Although Notes is a feature already present in to requestcurrently they can only be seen in the direct messages section as Publications at the top of the platform screen and are not cumulative, so only one can be published per day, or several can be published, if the user wishes, but they will all be deleted each time a new one is created.

the new Interactive space It will be easier for followers and friends to respond to it grades published, which can be compiled and displayed in chronological order in this additional section.

According to a reverse engineer and app developer, Alessandro PaluzziThe platform seeks to improve communication and personal expression among its users.

The notes were made at the end of January 2023 by Instagram on its own page to request For mobile devices, it just lasts 24 hours.

Furthermore, even if the user is a follower or friend of the note’s creator, these posts do not generate additional notifications and replies are sent as follows: Direct message.

The new Notes Wall on Instagram will be able to collect posts and make them public for all users. (X/Alessandro Paluzzi)

The “wall” in it development By team Instagram It will only be responsible for displaying the created notes in a collage-like format, so a more visible and permanent layer is added to expertise For the user who is exploring new things Contentstext this time.

In this future Instagram note wall, although the character limit of 60 will be maintained, users will have the possibility to post multiple notes at once and pin some of them in style. Publications last social networks how s also Facebook.

In addition, interactive options will be implemented such as the ability to reply and like comments as well as photos on each account’s profile.

Although the introduction of this wall cannot happen yet because it is still in the development stage, it is Early access experience It has already reached many selected users, so once it is complete, Instagram will be able to gradually roll it out to accounts around the world.

The new Notes Wall on Instagram will be able to collect posts and make them public for all users. (X/Alessandro Paluzzi)

On the other hand, Instagram is developing a new feature called “Delete for me“, which will allow users to delete messages in their inbox without affecting the recipient like other platforms like s, Facebook And even WhatsApp.

This option is different from the feature already present on the platform, which is presented as a button “Cancel shipment” It only affects the selected message, causing it to be deleted for all participants conversation.

With the addition of the option “Delete me”the social network Meta intends to reorganize its list of options when managing direct messages between contacts. This way, users will have the option to “wipe up“, which will only affect the sender, in addition to”do not send“, with which they can unsend a message that has already been sent and prevent the recipient from seeing it.

Although, if you cancel a message sent in a chat, for example, this operation can be performed before the recipient reads it. However, this does not mean that you could not read the original message through Notifications On your cell phone.