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How to create videos on Google Photos using AI

How to create videos on Google Photos using AI

Google Photos uses artificial intelligence to create videos.

Although most of us know Google images As a tool for backing up photos and videos, the truth is that it is also one of the easiest video editing applications to use for those who do not have much knowledge of the subject. Now creating videos using your favorite photos has become much easier thanks to artificial intelligence.

The use of artificial intelligence in Google Images is related to creating… Distinctive video clips. They are the videos created by the social network so that you have good memories of your favorite moments. Until now it was necessary to do this manually, but the process has been greatly simplified, becoming one of the best tricks to take advantage of Google Photos.

Featured videos Google Images

Screenshots for creating unique videos with Google Photos.

Steps to create a video in Google Photos using AI

The first thing you need to do is open the Google Photos app. Once we’re in it, we’ll press the button Video with highlights Which we will find at the top of the gallery. At that moment, we will see a search button appear where we will have to enter the term of what we want to star in our video. We can search for places, people, types of landscapes or objects. Basically, what you should include at this stage is the topic of the video.

Once we do that, the app will take care of it Select images that you think might be interesting For us taking into account the research we have done. If there is something we don’t like or don’t want to include in the video, we can do it manually, but the idea of ​​this new function is to make the process as automated as possible.

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When we have selected all the images we want to include in the video, the next step will be selection Music clips We want to play it while we see the images. As with photos, the application itself will offer suggestions for music that the AI ​​considers appropriate for our video. But if we want, we can choose from all the clips available in the video tool, just as we could do so far when we manually edited a video in Google Photos.

Once we finish editing our video, it will be stored in our Google Photos account. From there we can see it again as many times as we want, as well Share it on social networks Or send it directly to our friends.

A mobile phone with Google Photos on the screen above the camera.

Google Photos will automatically choose which photos to use in videos.

What are the advantages of AI to create a video in Google Photos?

job with artificial intelligence What Google Photos offers us does not allow us to dub video audio using artificial intelligence or other functions that we find in other video editing tools. However, it represents an important advance in terms of the way we’ve been editing videos until now. To create a collage so far we have had to select images one by one. It might not be too complicated if we wanted to create a video with some images, but it could be really difficult when we wanted to include many images.

So, the main advantage that using AI in Google Photos brings us is that It makes our job much easier. Especially considering that the use of artificial intelligence gives us a result that is much more similar to what we would have done than if the application was limited to selecting a few images at random.

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So far, Google Images has not provided us with it Automatically generated videos Through the platform itself, which was sometimes a beautiful memory of a vacation or special moments. The problem is that these videos appeared randomly when the app “decided” that we had enough photos to create one. We couldn’t ask the tool to create one of these videos whenever we wanted.

Moreover, the use of artificial intelligence makes… The end result is very similar to what we would do if we did it ourselves. manually instead of the automatic function that we have been able to use so far to create this type of video.

Google Photos features

Summary of Google Photos features you can use now.

Is the option to edit videos with AI in Google Photos now available to everyone?

If you try to create your own video in Google Photos with the help of artificial intelligence and you cannot find the steps we explained, do not worry, Maybe it’s not your problem. This function was launched at the end of October, and has been gradually implemented for various users. In fact, the first users to have access to it were Americans, while in the rest of the world it took a little longer.

Moreover, it is also important to keep this in mind in principle Google has launched this new feature only for Android users. So, if you have an iPhone or if you usually use Google Photos from the desktop version, at the moment you will not be able to use AI to create your videos with photos in this tool. Most likely, in the coming weeks or months, this functionality will eventually be implemented on all devices, but for now it seems that Google has decided to leave the scoop only to users of its operating system.

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Therefore, the fact is that at the moment there is a large number of users who still do not have access to this function. If you are not one of the lucky ones, you don’t have to do anything. Simply Have a little patience And wait until Google decides to make the use of artificial intelligence available to all users to make it easier for us to create our own videos.

At the same time, of course You can continue to create your videos in Google Photos manually Or wait for the app to send a notification indicating that you’ve set up one of the automatic videos it typically creates on a regular basis.