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Super Bowl: Televisa beat TV Azteca in ratings

Super Bowl: Televisa beat TV Azteca in ratings

he Super Bowl XVIIIone of the most media sporting events in the United States and in our country, was held on Sunday in Las Vegas with a team victory Kansas City Chiefs in overtime over the San Francisco 49ers, but the Chiefs weren't the only winners derived from this game.

How much does Televisa beat TV Azteca in the 2024 Super Bowl?

And in the fight for ratings in our country there was a clear winner in broadcasting Televisasince 16.8 million people tuned in to the game on this signal, compared to just 11.2 million who did so on Azteca TV.

In the end, the difference in the number of fans was more than five million and in percentage terms TelevisaUnivision Through Channel 5, it outpaced the competition by 50 percent, which is very large and not common at large events.

The Chapultepec TV show had star commentators 'three friends'In the characters of Tonio de Valdés, Enrique Burac and Pepe Segarra, a trio with experience in storytelling. NFL With 31 Super Sundays in his career. On this occasion, they even dress up Elvis PresleyThis is a position that caught the attention of the masses.

Audience numbers for Super Bowl LVII

It is worth noting that the disclosure of this data was prepared by the company Nielsen IpubAudience mentions obtained by ESPN and Fox Sports were not reported Pay TV Which offered Super Bowl XVIII, However, due to their scale, they were unable to reach the numbers achieved by Televisa.

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What do fans think of the Super Bowl broadcast?

Although on this occasion a clear preference for followers NFL By Televisa and its commentators on this powerMany others on social media also complained about the large number of commercials that were present during more than four hours of play.

Likewise, many highlighted that the difference with Azteca TV It's not what it seems considering that Ajusco TV station only broadcasts the Super Bowl year-round as part of its NFL offering, unlike its strong competitor who shows the games every week and Postseason complete.