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Maria Corina Machado stressed that she is fighting for a profound change in Venezuela: “We will leave socialism behind us”

Maria Corina Machado stressed that she is fighting for a profound change in Venezuela: “We will leave socialism behind us”

Maria Corina Machado continues her fight for profound change in Venezuela: “We will leave socialism behind us forever” (EFE)

Opposition leader and anti-Chavista presidential candidate, Maria Corina MachadoShe continues her struggle to bring about profound change in… VenezuelaAhead of elections scheduled for this year, he promised that the country would “leave socialism behind forever.”

“There will be Clean and free elections In this country. We Venezuelans will choose and we will choose Deep change, We will leave socialism behind us forever The former lawmaker said in a video in which she showed her confidence that the will of the people will be respected and Nicolas Maduro's ruling party will be defeated in the elections.

In this sense, he asked his supporters to “never forget” the importance of their votes – the majority – in determining the future of the country.

The Union for Unity and Democracy party asked Venezuelans to organize a “comanditos” campaign in the cities and not be afraid to show their support for María Corina Machado (AP)

On the other hand, the Democratic Unionist Platform In the last hours, the PUD called on the opposition Venezuelans Organizing the “Comanditos” campaign In cities, urban agglomerations and neighborhoods across the country to support Machado and not give way to the advance of the dictatorship, which has not yet lifted the political excommunication with which it seeks to keep it from the ballot box.

Opposition member Roberto Enriquez commented: “To organize your leadership, you don't have to ask permission from anyone. It's a beautiful experience. It's a form of political organization for Venezuelans who are at the forefront of this campaign.”

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Machado also recalls in his video “All imprisoned and persecuted” by the “tyranny” of Miraflores Palace He demanded again to him Immediate release. These victims include three of his collaborators, who were arrested about a month ago – Juan Frites, Luis Camacaro and Guillermo Lopez – as well as activist Rocío San Miguel and the same number of dissident voices.

Machado once again called for the release of all unjustly imprisoned political prisoners (EFE).

Facing an expulsion order for UN staff in Caracas, it adds to recurring complaints of arbitrary arrests, torture and non-compliance with the Venezuelan regime. Barbados ConventionI agreed with the opposition, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle BacheletForeign ministers, ambassadors and former academics called for “the utmost efforts of governments, political forces and the regional community to… Ensuring that the dictatorial and anti-historical trend does not take hold” in the country.

“The Latin American Thinking Table, composed of politicians, diplomats and academics from various countries in our region, rejects and declares that the decision taken by Venezuela to suspend the activities of the Office was a serious political mistake, with implications for the entire region.” The letter states and adds that “this action, along with the arrest of Rocío San Miguel, a prominent security expert and human rights defender in Venezuela, creates a bleak panorama about the future of Venezuelan democracy.”

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On the other hand, these statements came a day after the disappearance of the former military exile in Chile, Ronald Ojeda Moreno, who, according to complaints by human rights defenders and first police investigations, was kidnapped by secret police agents. Directorate General of Military Counter-Intelligence (DGCIM) and returned to Caracas, accused of treason to the country.

(With information from EFE)