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Lucas Paqueta will face a career-ending punishment

Lucas Paqueta will face a career-ending punishment

Lucas PaquetaFootballer West Ham By Edson Alvarez, Kan Accused Officially approved by the English Football Association He commits four The violations in question In the Sports betting.

Faults He committed them in duels Follower West Ham Against Leicester City From November 12, 2022; Aston Villa March 12, 2023; Leeds United May 21, 2023; And AFC Bournemouth On August 12, 2023.

How much will the penalty be?

The press in England predicts the worst, Because it is case based Kenan Ishaq In 2022, which was obtained 10 year sentence For deliberately warning him when playing for Stratford Town.

The Brazilian’s luck has changed radically since he became on the Brazilian national team’s radar Manchester City led by Guardiolanow He could see the end of his career in soccer.

Midfielder It is in the players list Who will act? Brazil the next day America’s CupSo we will have to wait to see if he will be able to attend the show.

How did he react?

Lucas Paqueta Use their social networks To introduce him reaction on Punishment He claimed that he was surprised by the FA ruling.

“I am too Surprised and upset Seeing that The FA decided to charge me. For nine months, I cooperated in every step of the investigation and provided all the information I could. I deny all charges and will fight with all my might to clear my name. Given the ongoing process, I will not be commenting further.”