This Friday, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador confirmed the cover of the magazine The EconomistDedicated to the Mexican President, under the heading “The false messiah it’s a “The false accusation and the investigator”.
During his traditional morning conference in the Treasury Room of the National Palace, Lopez Obrador asserted that the cover of the prestigious British magazine had caused a shortage of professional ethics by asking Mexicans not to vote for Morena.
“They put this ridiculous cover, very impudent, false of course, and they called me a“ false messiah. ”Do you remember the Tropical Messiah? Well, it’s the same and it’s still immoral, and they are inviting Mexicans not to vote for what we can represent. Like a foreign magazine? Seems like It’s like I’m going to the UK and asking the English to vote for my Labor friend. Well, I can’t do that because it corresponds to the English. “, And confirmed.
The Mexican president emphasized that this is happening because there is a lot of anger at the changes taking place in the country.
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So why don’t they even respect shapes … because it is a state of mind, out of great anger that changes are taking place in the country, then their representatives are in Mexico, and organic intellectuals are also advocates of the looting policy, one of the largest looting carried out in the history of Mexico … All those who participated or remained silent when they were looting Mexico are upset now because people said stop. So we have to be respectful but at the same time, we distinguish ourselves, we are not the same. Now we have to preserve our morals. “, Confirmed.
Moments later, Lopez Obrador asserted that the people of Mexico are one of the most politicized in the world while saying, “Maybe the English magazine doesn’t know that.”
“For example, that magazine what are you doing? It’s silly and in the press and in politics you can do everything, but try not to make yourself stupid. Imagine a cover as if it was a poster … It’s very vulgar propaganda, from pasquín … this is … It does not help. If the media is really going through a severe credibility crisis. He concluded that these famous magazines are in an awkward position, but if they don’t change their editorial policy and don’t act ethically, they will not be read even in London. “
This Thursday, the latest version of The Economist The Mexican president is classified as The false messiah.
Through an editorial entitled “Voters must rein in the power-hungry president of Mexico”, British media asserted that although AMLO lacks some of the vices of other populist leaders, Tabasco had shown himself a “danger to Mexican democracy”.
Since he was campaigning, Lopez Obrador has developed a discourse with two opponents: “the people,” meaning those who support him, and the “elite,” whom he describes as criminals and traitors he blames for the country’s problems. From there, he is constantly moving under the argument that “it is building a more authentic democracy”.
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However, “He is a strange creature,” as he usually calls the public vote to solve problems “as a trick to remind voters of the shortcomings of previous regimes. It is genius. It is also a mockery of the rule of law.”Mediator stressed.
This is the reason – what he said The Economist– The June 6 elections became relevant. Lopez Obrador’s government will end in 2024, and the national legislature is at stake, including state governorships, state councils, and local offices.
“The voters have the opportunity to stop the president by rejecting his party, Morena,” the editorial said, but until now it was not known whether Mexicans would choose this option. The executive branch still enjoyed 61% approval, while “opposition parties have not been able to offer a coherent alternative” and “the more levers he controls, the more Lopez Obrador can pursue his plan to transform Mexico.”, Confirmed the post.
Hours after the British publication’s content was released, Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard has sent a message to the media, Whose content was posted on his personal Twitter account.
“The failure of the elites to understand Lopez Obrador today appears to be repeated on his pages.”The document signed by the head of the Ministry of Foreign Relations (SRE) said:
He pointed out that the achievements of the fourth transformation were diverse and always focused on those most in need, such as not incurring debts or increasing inflation in the country despite the epidemic, as well as achieving a historic increase in the minimum wage.
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“Lopez Obrador has kept his promise to prioritize spending and refocus on the poorest people, as he has always promised. At the same time, I have maintained fiscal discipline and sound public finances.”
Then he said: It is remarkable that a broker is like The Economist Making negative statements on election days, calling for the vote against the president and his party Morena, as well as saying that Mexican society, especially those with fewer resources, is wrong to support Lopez Obrador.
“But perhaps the most striking text, because of its absurdity, is to suggest that President Lopez Obrador has somehow undermined Mexican democracy, when what he did is just the opposite,” he said.
Isn’t it time to question that the elites are angry and angry with President Lopez Obrador and not the majority that feels represented and defends the mistake?
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