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Eli De La Cruz broke the window of Hunter Greene's car

Eli De La Cruz broke the window of Hunter Greene's car

In the middle of spring training Major League Baseball, non-routine situations often occur. In Cincinnati Reds camp, Hunter Greene and Eli de la CruzThey starred in a moment that surprised many.

from Goodyear Ballpark In Arizona, the group's practices are based in Ohio. Now with all the players integrated, they began to prepare by simulating plays and strikes. Hunter Green W Eli de la Cruzthey saw each other's faces for the first time.

Eli de la Cruz broke the window of Green's car

The pitcher has great major league references despite his inexperience. green He is still among the bowlers with the fastest throws. Eli de la Cruzmanaged to connect an unsuccessful serve (foul) and ended up going out of the park, posing a problem for his partner's car.

The blow hit the rear window of the car. Hunter Green And its glass was broken. Moreover, the round between the two players ended with a knockout blow for the Dominican, who succumbed to the American's quick and elusive throws.

After learning what happened, Green responded to what happened in training. The pitcher commented on this Eli de la Cruz He must pay for the hit he caused to his car window. It is necessary to say that this refers to a humorous moment and does not have much significance for something negative.

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The jug has been confirmed Cincinnati Redshe electrified all of his opponents in his first simulated performance in Spring training. This is supported by the wonderful way in which the player protects himself and his most important resource when riding a horse.

Eli de la Cruz And Hunter Green, two of the most prominent baseball players for the Cincinnati Reds. If he has an exceptional performance, Green will be the starting pitcher in the starting rotation, while the Sabana native Grande De Puella will secure a spot at third base or shortstop.