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Details of the meeting between Vice President Marquez and the US Congress.

Details of the meeting between Vice President Marquez and the US Congress.

Vice President Marquess of France The US Democratic House delegation met this Saturday Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nydia Velázquez, Joaquín Castro, Greg Casar, Maxwell Frost and Misty Rebik, spokesperson for Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’ office.

(Also: US Congressmen arrive in Colombia to meet with Pedro’s government).

The meeting between the congressman and Marquez revolved around two axes: the government’s ‘total peace’ policy and the mission and objectives of the Ministry of Equality and Equality.

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“We appreciate your interest and willingness to learn about our progress and Efforts to close inequality and inequality gaps in our country, as well as our government’s efforts to implement the ethnic chapter of the peace accords and new processes that will lead to complete peace,” the vice president said on his Twitter account.

Ocasio-Cortez, leaving the meeting, He highlighted the image of the vice president and commented that one of his objectives was to revitalize relations between the United States and Colombia.

“We want to explore academic exchange programs between Afro universities in the United States, Brazil and Colombia. We want to open another chapter in the relationship with Colombia, based on justice, equality, human rights and mutual values. Among the people of the world,” he said in statements cited by W Radio.

A meeting with President Gustavo Pedro is also scheduled for this Monday.

“In our quest for equity and equality in Colombia, we must advance decisively in promoting structural changes in the actions of the state, and this means revitalizing our relations with the United States, relations based on values ​​such as equality, social justice, the fight against climate change and the promotion of economies for life,” Márquez added.

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The agenda also includes a meeting with members of the Colombian Congress, including Senator Maria José Pizarro. “Agenda: total peace, energy transition and climate change,” the peace negotiator affirmed.

The congressman is visiting Chile, where he met with President Gabriel Boric and the country’s former head of government, Michelle Bachelet.

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