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A free course in astronomy offered by the National University of Cordoba – teach me about science

A free course in astronomy offered by the National University of Cordoba – teach me about science

On some occasions, the famous philosopher Plato wrote the phrase “Astronomy forces the soul to seek higher and transports us from one world to another.” And boy was he right, because by observing the beauty of the night sky and astronomical objects (nebulae, galaxies…etc), we can unleash our imaginations.

Astronomy is one of the most beautiful sciences out there, because to enjoy the wonderful images that telescopes (large and small) give us, we do not need extensive knowledge of physics.

For this reason, the National University of Cordoba, located in the Argentine Republic, launched theIt is of course “Virtual Astronomy”, which It requires no prior academic knowledge to enroll, and invites all universe lovers to enjoy knowing this science.

It is hosted on edX (an online learning platform, with multiple courses at a professional level, which allows learning “anytime, anywhere”) and taught under the guidance of Dr. Guillermo Goldes, an astronomer from the National University of Cordoba. This virtual course aims to address the characteristics of astronomy as a science. In addition to exploring concepts of the planetary system, stars, as well as concepts of the thermal history of the universe.

The course consists of the following seven modules:

  • unit 1: astronomy as a science; History of Astronomy.
  • Unit 2: A light and essential tool for astronomy.
  • Unit 3: Planetary systems: our solar system and our other systems, description of the components of the solar system; Planets outside the solar system.
  • Unit 4: Stars, structure and internal dynamics of stars
  • Unit 5: Galaxies Components of galaxies internal structure.
  • Unit 6: Concepts of the thermal history of the universe and possible future scenarios.
  • Unit 7: Telescopes, standards and advice on the most appropriate use for different types of telescopes.
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How do you get a certificate on the platform?

You can take the course for free, without a certificate or make a payment on its platform, a verified certificate of the syllabus value is provided, but a percentage of over 60 credits must be earned at the end of the course. If you do not have an account, you must create a user.

Course linkYou can register by entering the course “Virtual Astronomy”

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