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What are the natural sciences and what studies all of them news of Spain

What are the natural sciences and what studies all of them news of Spain

Natural sciences, also known as natural sciences or physical and natural sciences, are based on the study of those disciplines that focus on Understand the laws that govern nature. They are studied objectively and follow logical thinking.

This logic and experimentation generates hypotheses that you try to prove with Principles and laws In order to illustrate how the nature of the world around us works.

These natural sciences cover many fields of knowledge which are subdivided into others Subdomains that complement the discipline.

Classical Natural Sciences

We can differentiate between different fields of knowledge and between the classical natural sciences and the more modern natural sciences. Within the first group we find:

  • Physics, Which studies the laws of nature and the properties of matter and which includes other sub-fields such as physical chemistry.
  • biology Life studies in all its forms, which can be of animal, human or plant origin. In this region we find many branches such as zoology (studies of organisms in the animal kingdom); Botany (the study of plants); Or molecular biology (which studies proteins and the processes related to them).
  • astronomy One of the oldest natural sciences that study planets, stars and everything related to the universe.
  • geology It is the science that studies the planet in its composition, internal and facial structure.

Other study concepts

We can consider that the four groups of classical sciences include a large number of branches that often mix with each other.

Among these fields we find secondary natural sciences such as:

  • Biophysics, which is based on the study of the physical performance of organisms and their use of energy.
  • Mechanics study the movement of things and the effect of natural forces on them.
  • Thermodynamics is based on the analysis of phenomena usually related to temperature and thermal energy and their effects.
  • Organic chemistry studies various other molecules and compounds such as carbon or hydrogen.
  • For its part, inorganic chemistry studies the formation, composition, composition and chemical reactions of elements of inorganic compounds.
  • Ecology is the science that studies the behavior of living things, their habitats, and their environment.
  • Finally, biochemistry is the natural science that studies the chemical makeup of living things.
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