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The case against Wanda Vasquez appointed to the President of the Federal Court of San Juan

The case against Wanda Vasquez appointed to the President of the Federal Court of San Juan

The case against the former governor Wanda Vasquez GarisedVenezuelan banker Giulio Herrera Velotini A former FBI agent Mark Rossini Appointed to the President of the Federal District Court in San Juan, Raul Arias Markswatch.

The assignment was made after two judges stepped down from the case, in a process not unusual in federal court.

According to the electronic file, the court system originally referred the case on Wednesday to Judge Aida Delgado Colon.

On the same day, Delgado Colon issued an order stating that she “excludes herself from this case and from all subsequent proceedings within it.”

Subsequently, the court secretary reported in the file that the case was “randomly returned” to Judge Francisco Besosa. However, on Thursday, Besosa issued an order “to remove himself from the presidency of this case.”

The reasons that prompted Delgado Colon and Besosa to step down have not been determined.

On Thursday, the secretariat reported that “this case was reassigned at random within the case referral system” to Judge Arias Markswatch.

former ruler He faces three out of seven criminal counts of conspiracy, bribery and fraud In a statement issued by a federal grand jury, it also indicted Bancrédito’s owner, Julio Herrera Velutini; and financial advisor Mark Rossini, who was also an agent for Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The charges allege that the three conspired with two other people to persuade the banker to pay the governor Vasquez’s campaign money in exchange for George Richard Joyner Kelly’s formal expulsion from prison. Office of the Commissioner of Financial Institutions of Puerto Rico (OCIF).

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By that time, an OCIF audit found Bancrédito was failing to report suspicious activity and pointed to failures to set up a money laundering detection program.

As for the judge who will hear the case, Arias Markswach received his bachelor’s degree from Boston College in 1989, and his doctorate from the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) School of Law (UPR) in 1992. In 1994 he received his master’s degree in law from the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) ). from Harvard University, then worked as a lawyer in several law firms in Puerto Rico until 2019.

He was also an assistant professor at the University of South America School of Law in Puerto Rico in 2011, 2013 and 2016.

Arias Marxwas was sworn in in October 2021 as President of the Federal District Court for the District of Puerto Rico after Judge Gustavo Gilbe He began his duties as a member of the Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in Boston.