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Murió Miguel Ángel Fuentes, 'the Mexican Hulk' of 'La Carabina de Ambrosio'

Murió Miguel Ángel Fuentes, 'the Mexican Hulk' of 'La Carabina de Ambrosio'

Miguel Ángel Fuentes/Captura de video/Vía El Universal

This year 2023 will take place in the December 2020 celebrations. We are Miguel Ángel Fuentes, a Mexican actor who fell for 70 years in his hometown of Ciudad de México.

There are many of these actors whom the public recognizes in the media, often desconocían of this name. No fue a histrión that sobresaliera con protagónicos. Su carrera se cimentó and pariciones como actor secundario y extra. No need, so presencia a cuadro como talento de reparto fue igual de trascendente que la de los estelares, lo cual lo levó A ser uno mexicanos que fue requerido a nivela internacional para participar algunas producciones extranjeras.

This is in the cinema of Los 70's media. This period of time comes when the novel adapts Los de abajo de Mariano Azuela. The cinematográfica version was directed by Servando González in 1978. The film forms part of the movie that responds to the film's production Milagro in the circle (Alejandro Galindo, 1979) with the personaje de Hércules.

This is the beginning of the 80's when he died with a new como actor. In 1980 there were many stories from años: Las grandes aguas, de Servando González, y More than madrugada, de Julian Pastor. This screensavers and effects on the product's production capacity are showing what makes a perfect cinema screen.

Poseedor of a rostro que lo mismo denotaba maldad que bondad, Fuentes fue requerido tanto para interpretar villanos como hombres bonachones. Incluso the consideration of the Mexican gem of Richard Kiel, the Hollywood actor who copred with his father in Jaws The one who loves me (Lewis Gilbert, 1977) y Moonraker (Lewis Gilbert, 1979), Ambas películas pertenecientes in the James Bond saga.

In 1982, this part came from fitzcarraldo, The film is directed by Werner Herzog who considers it unrelated to the history of the movie. For this purpose, Herzog is the galardonado most important director at the Cannes Festival. Allí, your person is a Cholo, the mecánico who compaña with Fitzcarraldo (Klaus Kinski) in his theater for conducting a theater in the opera. Compare credits with mismatch Claudia Cardinale.

This also includes international motivations that include many Hollywood projects to join Richard Harris. The trio of a llamado Caballo hombre (John Hough, 1983) and Charles Bronson en Justicia Salvaje (J. Lee Thompson, 1984). Desde Europa recibió invitations para sumarse la serie alemana Of course en 1987.

Mientras tanto, in México, a television program that works on the map of los espectadores nationales. See this The carabina of Ambrosio, One of the contents consentidos and most of the visitors for the public between los 70's and los 80's. In 1983, I received the port from my home with the sketches. Gulp, the paródica version de Hulk, his incredible hulk que protagonizaban Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno at Estados Unidos.

Miguel Ángel Fuentes, 'the Mexican Hulk' who plays in the carabina of Ambrosio/Captura of one of the program's episodios/Vía YouTubeMiguel Ángel Fuentes, 'the Mexican Hulk' who plays in the carabina of Ambrosio/Captura of one of the program's episodios/Vía YouTube

Miguel Ángel Fuentes, 'the Mexican Hulk' who plays in the carabina of Ambrosio/Captura of one of the program's episodios/Vía YouTube

Cesar Costa uses Bruce Banner and enters Bixby. Toda vez que se transformaba en el monstruo verde, Miguel Ángel Fuentes asumió esa personalidad en clara imitación a Ferrigno. Debido what the auditorium deconocía nombre, If there is a referral from 'the Mexican Hulk', it will be used for the day.

Los sketches de Gulp Fueron un éxito. In this manera, and because of the prestige of this faceta, the actor destroys what is important in developing the universe in the comedy, A genre that complements this recording for the melodrama, the accompaniment and the western.

The carabina of Ambrosio Submitted to the original video in 1987, when Miguel Angel Fuentes joined the telenovelas on their keyboard. Prime this place Seducción (1986-1987) here Carrusel (1989). This means that the tone in the backs of the screens and other screens in the telenovelas and the movies, generally with people from guards or police.

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