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Jennifer Applicano flaunts a beautiful bouquet of flowers next to a boy

Jennifer Applicano flaunts a beautiful bouquet of flowers next to a boy

Jennifer Applicano recently said that she was looking for “the father of my children.” did you find it?

The beautiful TV presenter, Jennifer Applicano, aroused curiosity among her followers after posting a photo of her.

She was not in front of the camera, but despite this, what she showed in the picture was enough to “run” her networks.

The image in question is a beautiful bouquet of pink flowers that she is holding in one hand.

Jennifer Applicano explained in her post that she was sitting as a co-pilot in the car.

Although it is not known at the moment who he is, it is clear that a man was driving next to him.

Recently, Jennifer opened her heart and declared that she was looking for love, or as she put it, “looking for the father of my children.”

Applicano considers that she is in the ideal stage of her life for a romantic relationship and plans to start a family in the short term, hinting that she dreams of the possibility of becoming a mother. He added that he does not have a romantic partner because “no one can stand him”. “Guess what, I don’t have a partner so we won’t have one. I don’t,” the charismatic young woman asserted.

Have you found love now? This is the question her followers are asking, as she has not provided any evidence.

Besides the photo of the “La Coli” flower arrangement, he didn’t use any emoji or message, leaving everything completely anonymous.

And so far the charismatic presenter hasn’t spoken about it.

His silence raises expectations about a supposed romantic relationship.

This was the photo that Jennifer Applicano posted on Instagram.

2023/08/2209:57 am / write website

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Jennifer Applikan’s boyfriend


Jennifer Applicano