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Instagram threads are not coming to Europe

Instagram threads are not coming to Europe

Screenshots of the Threads app as it appears in the App Store

screenshot: Apple Store/Target

If you live in Europe and If you’re waiting for Instagram threads to download tomorrow, you may have to wait a little longer. Supposed toA Twitter alternative by Meta It was to be released on July 6th.But according to what the Irish authorities say, this will not happen in Europe.

The threaded release will be limited to the US and UK. News of its failure to reach the rest of the European Union jumped in Ireland, a spokesperson for that country’s data protection agency confirmed The Independent The themes will not be released in Ireland or the rest of the European Union indefinitely.

The problem, of course, is that Threads bypass Europe’s data protection and privacy laws, which are much stricter than those in the US. according to text The app itself is in its own privacy section United States, Threads collects user data including location data, Health, finances, browsing history, online purchases, contacts, search history, and other sensitive information.

the husbandIt certainly does not mean that the European Union has blocked the issuance of leads. It was the company itself that had not yet prepared for this launch. The app is already appearing in the Android and iOS app stores (although it can’t be downloaded yet)but not since then European lands.

This is not the first time that the European Union has prevented the launch of new services from Meta or other companies. in 2018The Commission has banned WhatsApp from sharing Facebook data on European soil. In 2022 the European Union imposed penalty fee to Meta for its management of Instagram data, and even Mark Zuckerberg himself has it threatened to leave Europe and take their applications with them. Bard, Google chatbot is not available in the European Union for the same reasons. At the moment, Meta has not made statements about the non-launch in Europe and it is not known at what date the threads will arrive on the Old Continent.

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