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How much does a person spend daily to buy basic food baskets?

How much does a person spend daily to buy basic food baskets?

In August, a person spent an average of $2.07 on food from the basic basket in urban areas, according to data from the National Electoral Office.

In August, a person spent an average of $2.07 on food from the basic basket in urban areas, according to data from the National Office of Statistics and Census (ONEC). If 10% of the cost of cooking the products is added, the cost rises to $2.28.

However, if compared to food prices in January this year, the cost per person was $1.99.

In rural areas, the cost was $1.34 per person.

Foods in the basic basket, such as cereals and vegetables, are those whose prices rose the most in 2022 in El Salvador. / EDH photo archive

For a family of four

Meanwhile, daily food costs for a family group of about 4 people were $8.50 as of August, but only consumed basic foods (eg: beans, rice, tortillas, eggs, bread). But in January of this year, those expenses amounted to $8.16.

In rural areas the cost was $6.30.

A quintal of corn can be found for as much as $30.00 and its influence is reflected in the preparation of tortillas. Photo by EDH/Jessica Orellana

They eat less

A survey conducted by Francisco Gavidia University showed that residents have stopped consuming beef, chicken and eggs due to high costs.

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