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Cuban actress Mayte Galpan arrives in the United States for a family reunion

Cuban actress Mayte Galpan arrives in the United States for a family reunion

Photo: Maite Galvan | Facebook

Text: Copa Noticias 360 editorial

Cuban actress Maite Galban Cueto has arrived in the United States as part of a family reunification program. The news was shared by actress Lily Burgess and the Cubaactores page through a live broadcast on Instagram.

Jalban Cueto arrived in Miami a few days ago through a family reunion, but he did not announce his arrival until today through a night reception. The actress became famous in Cuba through the TV series “Tan Far y tan cerca” in the character of Dr. Danae. The plot of the drama was set in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The television series, directed by Alberto Luberta Martínez and Luís Inclan, marked Galban's career. He admitted about his character in an interview with Cubadebate: “I was seduced by his passion and the story full of conflicts with his father. I brought to this role many of the things that were true to how I felt in that moment. “I offered my heart to him.”

Bergès explained during the live broadcast on Instagram that although Galban had recently obtained an important acting job in Cuba, her entire family was in the United States, which is why the actress decided to go through this new phase of her life with her. family.

“I'm here, happy, with my family,” Galban Cueto said excitedly, thanking the Cuban Actors page for following.

Before leaving Cuba, he also ventured into cinema with film A Night with Rolling StoneDirected by Patricia Ramos, in which she plays the character “Cleo.” Regarding this character, the actress admitted her enthusiasm for the film's premiere at the last session of the Havana Film Festival. For her part, the director commented in several interviews that what led to Jalban Cueto's choice of the role of Cleo was the chemistry between her and the film's heroine, Lola Amores.

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