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17 major events NASA predicts for 2024: eclipses, launches, and more

17 major events NASA predicts for 2024: eclipses, launches, and more

These are the main projects that NASA will implement in 2024

Orbital-1 rocket, launched in 2014 (NASA/Bill Ingalls)

The year 2024 is hereThus begins the new return to the sun in it NASA has many plans For this year that begins. For this reason, NASA was quick to show in a video what are the most important events and missions that will be held soon. Now, at Andro4All we want to explain it to you briefly What does each one consist of?What NASA wants to achieve, and what its success means for our society.

NASA's key events and missions in 2024

Commercial flights to the moon

It happened on January 8, 2024 NASA's first commercial flight to the moon. Under the abbreviated name CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services), the first commercial robot was sent to our nearby satellite, the module pilgrim (Al-Hajj), from Private company Astrobotic Technology. This will be NASA's first landing on the moon since 1972, more than 50 years ago, although other countries, such as India, have carried out missions on the moon.


With this mission, in addition to continuing to deepen the CLPS project Taking humans to the moon on commercial flightsIt also seeks to collect data to improve the outcome Future lunar missions Which will be held soon, like Critical missions of Artemis.

Development of the VIPER vehicle

VIPER (Volatile Polar Exploration Rover) is Spacecraft under construction Which is scheduled to be sent to the moon in 2024. It is still under development, but work is underway to send it to our shining satellite this year. In reality, NASA itself gave a lot of details About this vehicle that is being created in its laboratories.

PRIME-1 (Polar Resources Ice Mining Experiment-1), lunar ice extraction

VIPER will have a very important mission when you are Sent to the moonHe will be responsible for obtaining resources and minerals from the Moon to analyze them and obtain basic information about them Questions that remain unansweredsuch as how long water exists on our satellite, and many others Aspects related to its formation and origin.

At present the Great Impact theory is the most accepted hypothesis, but we will be able to find out More precise details About the moon's past thanks Prime-1 mission which is being prepared.

Full moon

The Moon will be the protagonist of many NASA projects in 2024

Artemis's missions continue

After what Artemis's first missionwith an unmanned spacecraft, was a huge success for NASA, they kept this project going, which Next stage, Artemis IIis scheduled to take place in November 2023. In addition, various details about Artemis III, the subsequent mission that will be completed in the future, are also being worked on.

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Artemis II will be tested The manned flight to the moon in real conditions To fully complete this objective in Artemis III, a mission in it Active exploration of the lunar south pole.

Neil Armstrong on the moon

Man reached the moon for the first time in 1969 Image: Unsplash

Biological simulation of human organs during space travel

There are a lot of doubts About the effect What intense space travel could be In human organsEspecially with flights with astronauts being planned so often Direction to the moon as well as to Mars. Space radiation, pressure caused by ships leaving the atmosphere and other phenomena can affect organs in unknown ways, which is why We seek to investigate this thoroughly.

To do this, simulations will be performed using 'members' Designed with 3D fabrics Who will study the impact of space exposure on them. These 3D fabrics will have Microchips that would monitor and simulate development From these bodies to prevent future risks in manned space incursions.

Developing spacesuits that will be used in Artemis III

As planned by NASA, the Artemis 3 mission, which would represent the culmination of the goal Exploring the South Pole of the MoonIt will be a new step for humanity, entering an area where humans have never been before. Therefore, the design of spacesuits is also crucial to ensuring the wearer's capability Enjoy a safe stay.

Artemis III suit

Stays at the lunar south pole indicate extensive development of the Artemis III suit

Development of Human Landing Systems (HLS) or Human Launch Systems

Another basic process to perform the task is Launch technology development. This is usually one of the most important investigations, as the slightest mistake can mean the failure of the mission before Leaving the Earth's atmosphere. Therefore, the development of HLS It involves the utmost care So that future mission launches will occur normally.

NASA logo with Earth in background

NASA is one of the main symbols of human space exploration.

Gateway, the first lunar orbital station

Although the International Space Station allowed for all kinds of tests and experiments, it was NASA's goal to do just that Create a space portal stationnew space station, It revolves around the moonIt may have important uses in future missions.

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This project is still in an early stage, so No significant progress is expected in the short term In this project. However, it is expected that On January 31, NASA will publish details More specifically about the portal.

Lunar rovers to explore the lunar south pole

The Moon may be only a third of the Earth's diameter, but on Artemis III, You have the right vehicles It will be important to cover a greater distance when conducting human exploration of the lunar south pole. for this reason, Development of these compounds It is one of the cornerstones of this ambitious mission.

Research related to the International Space Station (ISS)

As has happened in recent years, the International Space Station will remain a stage Conducting all kinds of tests and experiments Of a scientific nature. Thanks to its location in the Earth's exosphere, away from the force of gravity, tests that would be impossible to perform under normal conditions on Earth can be performed. Therefore, in 2024, the International Space Station will remain as it is Valuable Research Centre.

NASA 2024 astronaut

The International Space Station will still be the hero for 2024 missions

NASA commercial liftoff

For this 2024, with Commercial flights are already in operationwill be implemented Two trips to the International Space Station From the hands of SpaceX and its Dragon crew. The first of these takeoffs, crew 8, It will be held on February 8while the second event, Crew 9, is scheduled to take place On August 9th.

Boeing's commercial flight to the International Space Station

SpaceX is not the only private company interested in sending to the International Space Station in 2024, since Boeing plansAfter 2023 with many logistical problems that Next April The company's first flight takes place. If there were no more delays, this would be it Boeing's first flight to the International Space Station.

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NISAR mission between NASA and ISRO

ISRO, the Indian space agencyShe joined NASA on a mission, Aim at the groundwill involve implementation SAR radar systems That allows us to monitor our planet's ecosystems more precisely. Analysis of the Earth at the environmental level has always been of interest to agencies, and with this cooperation, these powerful radars will allow Collect a large amount of information.

NASA offices

NASA focuses on space and Earth missions

PACE monitoring (plankton, aerosol, cloud, ocean ecosystem)

Although NASA is known for its desire to know and investigate the universe, it also strives to focus its progress and research Creating land projects. PACE, or PACE Ocean ecosystems, aerosols, clouds, and planktonis responsible for monitoring the health of the Earth at the environmental level in these four regions.

Quest: Ultra-quiet supersonic aircraft

NASA is also involved in Development of a supersonic aircraft He hopes to test it in 2024. This supersonic plane is capable of reaching At a speed of 1400 kilometers per hourIt is characterized by the fact that it was developed with the aim of achieving speeds beyond the speed of sound, in addition to that Silent in his wake. This plane, the X-59, is the hero of the Quest.

NASA Quest X-59 supersonic aircraft

NASA's ultra-quiet supersonic plane will be tested in 2024

Europa Clipper will be launched towards Jupiter's moon Europa

Europa Clipper mission It is also planned for this to take place in 2024. In this project, NASA will launch the Clipper probe towards Europe, but they do not refer to the continent of the Earth, but to One of Jupiter's moons. It will be a very long journey, billions of kilometers, and you will strive Signs of life under its groundwater.

Europa, moon of Jupiter

Europa, Jupiter's moon, hides large oceans of water beneath its surface

Total eclipse in North America

Next April 8 One of the most notable astronomical phenomena in recent years will occur, when a total solar eclipse will occur Visible in the United States, Mexico and Canada, especially. If the eclipse occurs a few hours earlier (which it will not), it can also be seen in Spain, but the night will arrive early and it will not be possible to see the eclipsed stars on the Old Continent.

Solar eclipse in Oregon 2017

Solar eclipse sequence from Oregon in 2017

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