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UNS: Jobs, Postgraduate Degrees, Places and More

UNS: Jobs, Postgraduate Degrees, Places and More

  • agricultural engineering
  • Senior agricultural technician in soil and water
  • university bee technician
  • University technician in gardens and parks

Department of Biology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology

  • Biochemistry
  • Opposite
  • Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences
  • Faculty of Biological Sciences

Department of Administrative Sciences

  • Public Accountant
  • Certificate in Management
  • Bachelor’s degree in university management
  • Faculty members in secondary education in management sciences
  • Faculty members in secondary and higher education in management sciences
  • Higher technical degree in management and organization of resources for university institutions

Department of Educational Sciences

  • Master’s in Education Sciences
  • primary education teachers
  • Primary education teachers

Department of Health Sciences

  • Certificate in Nursing
  • Medicine
  • University technician in therapeutic accompaniment

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

  • Computer Engineering
  • Information Systems Engineering
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science

law Department

  • advocacy
  • Bachelor’s degree in Public Safety

Department of Economics

  • Bachelor’s degree in Economics
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty members in economics for secondary education
  • University technician in economics and food business management

physics department

  • Certificate in Physics
  • Bachelor’s degree in Geophysics
  • Bachelor’s degree in Optometry and Communication
  • physics teacher
  • University technician in optics

Department of Geography and Tourism

  • building
  • Bachelor of Geography
  • Bachelor’s degree in Oceanography
  • Bachelor of Tourism
  • Faculty of Geography
  • University technician specializing in mapping, remote sensing and GIS

Department of Geology

  • Bachelor of Geosciences
  • Faculty of Earth Sciences
  • Environmental technician

Department of Humanities

  • Bachelor of Philosophy
  • Certificate in History
  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Professor of Philosophy
  • History College
  • teachers of letters

Engineering Department

  • scanning
  • civil engineering
  • Industrial engineering
  • Mechanical Engineer

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • electrical engineering
  • Electronic Engineering
  • Technical University Degree in Intelligent Industrial Electronic Systems

Department of Chemical Engineering

  • food engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • University technician in industrial processes

Mathematics department

  • Bachelor of Mathematics
  • Math Professor

chemistry department

  • Environmental Science degree
  • Certificate in Chemistry
  • College of Chemistry
  • High school chemistry faculty

What graduate jobs does UNS have?

  • PhD in agricultural engineering in biology in biochemistry in management sciences. in Computer Science in Food Science and Technology. in Materials Science and Technology. in systems control in the economy; in philosophy, in physics, in geography, in geology, in history; in engineering; in electrical engineering in engineering; in chemistry; letters in mathematics; in chemistry.
  • Master in the Management; in biology in biochemistry in agricultural sciences; in law (direction of criminal law, law of private property or economic analysis of law); in development and land management; in history; in Petrochemical Process Engineering. in Electrical Engineering Letterpress Networking: Local Innovation and Rural Development Processes; in collective health; in sociology.
  • President in Computer Science in Food Science and Technology. in Materials Science and Technology. in scientific computing. in systems control in the economy; in agricultural economics and rural management; in philosophy, in geography, in geology, in engineering; in chemical engineering in mathematics; in policies and strategies. in chemistry.
  • specialty In clinical biochemistry, area parasitology. in international trade; In the Supreme Accounting, Control and Auditing. in food quality control. in costs and business management. In Family, Childhood and Adolescence Law. in criminal law. in economics and management of health services. in quality management. in technology and innovation management. in human resource management. In insolvency guard. In the form of digital technologies. in taxes. Rural and community tourism.
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Institutes and centers associated with UNS

  • CONICET Bahia Blanca Scientific Technological Center
  • Center for Renewable Resources Semi-Arid Region (Cerzos)
  • Argentine Institute of Oceanography (IADO)
  • Southern Institute of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (INBIOSUR)
  • Institute of Electrochemistry and Corrosion
  • Institute of Southern Physics (IFISUR)
  • Biochemistry Research Institute (INIBIBB)
  • Southern Institute for Economic and Social Research (IIESS)
  • Research Institute of Electrical Engineering “Alfredo Desrages” (IIIE)
  • Bahía Blanca Institute of Mathematics (INMABB)
  • Institute of Applied Mechanics (IMA)
  • Instituto de Química del Sur (INQUISUR)
  • Institute of Computer Science and Engineering (ICIC)
  • Geological Institute of the South (INGEOSUR)
  • Ing. Pilot Plant. Chemistry (PLAPIQUI)

UNS Headquarters

Block Street World and its surroundings

The main complex is located on Avenida Alem 1253, where most of the academic departments and laboratories, as well as the central library, operate. The Departments of Humanities, Geography, and Tourism are located in a building opposite the aforementioned block and are located at the intersection of 12 de Octubre and San Juan avenues. The Departments of Biology, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, and Geology are located in the same building as the headquarters but in a separate building.

Altos del Pallejo University campus

In the 80s, the building of the Agricultural Engineering Department was opened, which consists of 5 floors with a large number of laboratories, classrooms and offices. In 2007, two high-capacity classroom buildings were opened. In August 2015, the building of the Department of Economics and the headquarters of the Economic and Social Research Institute of the South were opened, and a year later, the corresponding building of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Research Institute of Electrical Engineering was opened. In November 2018, a third building with large capacity classrooms was opened, which mainly aims to accommodate the architecture profession. In August 2021, a completely new reading room was opened on the Palihue Campus with an area of ​​660 square meters.

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Department of Health Sciences

Department of Health Sciences is located in Florida in 1450 on the ground Militar Hospital Bahia Blanca. In the same place, there are laboratories and classrooms where the development of theoretical and practical activities.

other places

The building on Avenida Colon 80, which originally corresponded to the headquarters of the National University of the South, is today where the directorate and its secretariats focus on their tasks, along with other administrative units. Located on Avenida Alem 925, Casa de la Cultura is a colonial-style mansion where artistic and cultural activities organized by the Secretariat for Communication and Culture take place. The Foundation for this Foundation (FUNS) and Editorial (EdiUNS) also work there.

US Editorial

Edi UNS Objectives

Selecting, obtaining and evaluating academic works of quality and scientific, cultural and artistic rigor for publication and subsequent publication, taking into account the academic, cultural and societal needs to which the university has joined, to respond to these concerns.

Solve the bibliographic requirements of the teaching assignment, while meeting the needs of teachers and students.

Enhancing the cultural, scientific, technological and artistic values ​​and assets of the university community and the environment in general, and paying attention to the quality of its publications in terms of the form and style of their presentation, originality, level, solidity and the importance of their content.

Organizing book presentations and distributing each new title not only in university libraries but also on the network of university publishers, academic journals on the subject, and local and foreign distributors.

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Edi UNS Features

Editing books, participating in editing and re-publishing them to meet the information requirements among the residents of the region, especially from the student and education sectors and specialists in various fields of scientific, technological, artistic and cultural activity.

Distribute, display, promote and sell texts published by Ediuns either directly or through specialized bodies, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the National University of the South.

Promotion and sale of works published by universities or other institutes, national or foreign, with which it is agreed.

UNS social networks

Facebook social network: / UNSBahiaBlanca

Twitter: / unsbahiablanca

Instagram: / unsbahiablanca

Youtube: / AudiovisualUNS