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The puzzle solved in the sigma hole – science – life

The puzzle solved in the sigma hole – science – life

In 2019, astronomers surprised the world with the first-ever image of Gap nigger.

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The observations were made thanks to the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) project that managed to capture one of these astronomical objects located in the center of the Messier 87 galaxy, but its existence was predicted in 1915 by Albert Einstein in the General Theory of Relativity.

Something similar happened with aperture sigma. The inhomogeneous distribution of the electron charge around the halogen atom was theoretically predicted about 30 years ago, but has never been directly observed because, until now, Note of subatomic structures were beyond the analytical capacity of direct imaging methods, and this seemed unlikely to change.

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However, scientists from the Czech Institute of Advanced Technology and Research (Catherine) of Palacky Olomouc University, the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (FZU), the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences (presented by IOCB Prague) and the IT4Inovations Supercomputing Center of the University of Ostrava Tech (VSB) is a way they become the first to notice Sigma hole.

“I think you could say that subatomic resolution imaging will have an impact on various fields of science, such as chemistry, physics and biology.”

With his research published in Science, They were able to significantly increase the analytical power of scanning microscopy, which for several years made it possible for humanity to photograph individual atoms, thereby moving from the atomic level to subatomic phenomena.

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For Pavel Jelínek, of FZU and Catrin, the confirmation of the existence of sigma holes, predicted in theory, is no different from the observation black holes.

“They were only seen two years ago, although they were predicted in 1915 by the general theory of relativity. As such, it is not an exaggeration to say that imaging sigma holes represents a similar parameter at the atomic level,” says the leading expert on theoretical and experimental study For the physical and chemical properties of the molecular structures on the surface of solid materials.

Although National University Professor and Doctor of Physics Jairo Alexis Rodriguez considers the comparison to be imposed when dealing with such distant topics, the method proposed by the Czechs represents an important fact because of the applications it can have in a field such as chemistry. Quantum.

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“This is fundamental because at the atomic level one seeks to understand the shape of atoms, how they function and how atomic levels are formed because their properties will depend on this. For this reason, measuring this atomic structure in a more accurate manner is key,” he explains.

The thing, in his opinion, could become more interesting if it were moved to the field of molecules or with systems more complex than the atom. “In more complex materials, it is more difficult to determine the quantum properties of molecules. What these gentlemen have attempted is, in fact, to determine the best possible atomic structure of anything. The technology they develop to achieve this is the most exciting thing, because it will advance in materials New, biological or crystalline molecules, which have applications in a lot of technological fields.”

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according to Scientists In charge of study, The ability to depict the inhomogeneous distribution of electron charge on individual atoms, among other things, will allow, among other things, to better understand the interaction of individual molecules and the reason for the arrangement of different molecular structures. “I think you could say that imaging with subatomic resolution is going to have an impact on various fields of science, such as chemistry, physics and biology,” Jelinek says.

AlEJANDRA LÓPEZ – Science Writing
On Twitter: @TiempodeCiencia

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