East Africa News Post

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Three rockets hit a U.S. military base at Baghdad airport in Iraq

Three rockets hit a U.S. military base at Baghdad airport in Iraq

Baghdad, Iraq

Three missiles were fired Thursday night Baghdad Airport, Security sources told the AFP news agency that a military base with US troops was located there.

The projectiles reached the area Airport, where Iraqi troops are stationed Who share that space American soldiers Within the framework of the anti-jihadi coalition operating in Iraq, a security service official told AFP.

According to the same source, an Iraqi soldier was wounded.

This is the second missile attack on US troops in Iraq in less than a week. On Sunday, five missiles struck another air base in northern Baghdad, wounding three Iraqi soldiers and two foreign subcontractors.

No group has claimed responsibility for Thursday’s attack, although the United States has largely accused Washington’s arch-enemy Iran of attacking its troops and diplomats in Iraq.

All in all, there have been no missile, bomb or drone strikes against US interests in Iraq since Joe Biden arrived at the White House in late January.

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