East Africa News Post

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The United States returns to warm up its relationship with Abinadar

The United States returns to warm up its relationship with Abinadar

Dominican Foreign Minister Roberto Alvarez spoke with US Secretary of State Anthony Blingen yesterday about the trade deal between the two countries.

Another topic they talked about was relations between the two countries, especially migration.

“This morning I had a fruitful conversation with US Secretary of State Anthony Blingen, particularly about the significant ties that unite us, especially through our immigrants, the important business exchange that makes DR the sixth partner of the United States,” Alvarez reported.

Excellent collaboration
He said they talked about key cooperation in the fight against corruption and drug trafficking and the importance of transparency in public administration.

“Promoting democracy and effectively protecting human rights in both countries and the region,” he wrote on social media account Twitter.

In the conversation about cooperation in the fight against Govt-19 by expanding the distribution of vaccines and international travel standards, the latter emphasizes the integration of indicators such as death and vaccination.

“We emphasize the importance of cooperation with ecSecBlinken in the fight against COVID-19, especially in the distribution of vaccines, and recommend expanding the criteria based on travel warnings to include other indicators such as vaccine doses and mortality”, Mr. The tweet was released yesterday by the foreign minister of the government of Louis Abinader

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America is very active
The exchange comes a day after the United States and the Dominican Republic signed the 4th Amendment to the Convention on Drug Control and applied the April 11, 2013 law enacted by both countries.