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The debris of a Chinese missile will fall anywhere on Earth – Asia – International

The debris of a Chinese missile will fall anywhere on Earth – Asia – International

On Sunday, July 24, China sent a Long March 5B carrier rocket into space from Wenchang in the southern island province of Hainan. A new solar-powered laboratory has been moved on, to be added to the Tiangong Space Station.

however, The Asian country has expressed its concern that debris could collide with the Earth’s surface. The problem is that no one knows where, and according to experts, the effect will be at high speed.

After the last launch in China, the heavy rocket, which has a height of 53.6 meters and weighs 837,500 kilograms, had a rather risky design, Some pulp remains do not burn when they enter the atmosphereso it will affect the ground.

And according to what was reported by the “Washington Post”, scientists say that the probability of such an event occurring is low. However, the possibility is not eliminated. In fact, they themselves point out that China is taking unnecessary risks.

The launch took place from Wenchang in the southern Hainan Island Province.

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This is because the country already has two similar launches. In the case of the Long March, it “disengaged from its first stage of 23 tons in orbit,” according to the newspaper.

According to the expert report, this indicates that The artifact will orbit the Earth, making it difficult to trace its travel path and know where it has landed.

China and space debris

Bill Nelson, NASA Administrator, noted that China “does not meet responsible standards for space debris.”

The Asian country denies the accusations. Moreover, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said the chances of damage being “extremely low”.

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Added to this is Jonathan McDowell, an astronomer at the Center for Astrophysics, who wrote on his Twitter account that he hoped China would create a design without any risks.

Even the authors of an article in Nature Astronomy stated that: “Launch providers have access to technologies and mission designs today that can eliminate the need for most unsupervised re-entries.”

On the other hand, there are scientists who believe that the odds are very low and that it is not necessary to change the design.

Despite everything and according to the many victories in spaceflight, President Xi Jinping continues his goal of making China a space power.

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