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Sabrissa is in talks with Mexican coach Rafa Puente Jr.

Sabrissa is in talks with Mexican coach Rafa Puente Jr.

The Mexican is among the favorites to lead the current champion of Costa Rica

The 42-year-old Mexican coach, Rafa River Bridge He is one of the strongest candidates to take over the technical direction of Sports Sabrisa from Costa Rickto; In recent days, talks with the strategist have intensified.

Sources close to ESPN.com.mx Close to the coach’s environment, she confirmed that the former strategist of atlas Mexico He is close to the purple team to take over the technical direction of Tibaseño in the sporting restructuring of the Costa Rican club for the next few years.

Rafa Puente Jr.Despite his young age, he has an important career in football MexicoHe previously managed in the promotion department and also in the highest category, his main achievement lay in 2017 when he managed to BUAP wolves Get promoted.

After that, he already had experience managing Querétaro and Atlas, the latter being his last managed team, and he was fired on August 20, 2020 and since then has not been on another team.

The Sports Sabrisa from Costa Rica It is the most successful club in Central America, it has just reached its 36th title and is the number one team with the most titles in the entire region.

Mauricio WrightThe Costa Rican captain was the last coach for Tibasino, and he reached the title after being a caretaker strategist after the departure of Roy Meyers.