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Patti Chaboy confirms she has left Ventaneando and shares why

Patti Chaboy confirms she has left Ventaneando and shares why

Will you betray Azteca TV? Patty Chaboy He sparked rumors after he withdrew from Ventanindo without warning. The president and leader of the most popular TV show on Azteca TV has been absent for several days from the broadcast without providing any explanation or indicating that she is on vacation.

While you tell them and tell them that they are filling up the social networks, Patti Chaboy Acevedo Confirmed with a photo on social networks that he left sweating And she obviously won’t be back very soon because she’s so calm and fun.

The photo, shared by boss Daniel Bisogno, Pedrito Sula and Lynette Puente, shows the journalist enjoying her family, and in particular her granddaughter Lara, her youngest daughter’s daughter.

Patti Chaboy confirms she has left Ventaneando and shares why. Photo: Instagram.

The entertainment journalist said recently in an interview with Mara Patricia Castaneda that she is not considering retiring in the short term, which may rule out the fact that Chaboye is not returning to television; However, his followers are concerned that he did not clarify whether he was on vacation and left Ventanedo to return very soon, or if this would be a farewell to his participation in the program.

Despite not considering her retirement, Patti Chaboye admitted that she thought about who would succeed her as leader of Ventaneando and to the surprise of many, she is not a woman, but a man.

Although many consider Daniel Pisogno to be the darling of Chaboye, the famous expert on Famous She indicated that Pedro Sola would be her candidate to replace her in the event that an illness or something else caused her to be kept from work.

The famous woman said that she did not admit these intentions to Sula, because the responsibility would make him very nervous even long before this situation happened; However, your partner is sure to find out thanks to the interview.

Every mother Patty Chaboy They showed their admiration for Pedro Sola and especially the recognition of what the journalist means to the Mexican public and even to other countries. She noted that people like Pedrito so much, that when he says something negative about a celebrity, they always “blame” him on her or Daniel Pisogno, so she can talk about everything without any problem.

I’ve thought of Pedro Sola more than her, more than any woman, I’m honest with you. Because Pedro Sula has the distinction of being the man they love most in this country and in many other countries. Pedro can say the worst of anyone…the worst, and they blame me or they blame Daniel, but they let Pedro everything, absolutely everything.

Certainly, Pedro is one of the most beloved characters on Mexican TV. Uncle Pedrito has been called by many, drawing from the passion he caused in his audience. Such is the popularity of the journalist that there are people who follow him not only on the usual social networks but also on his YouTube channel where he shares interesting anecdotes.

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