the pin

TikTok user Abi Hindle shared on her profile a strange discovery in the bathroom of a restaurant that is also becoming more and more popular in many places in the UK.
by: Chronicle
In fact, it’s a huge red button with a little sign inside the toilet: “Push on it. What’s the worst that could happen?”
The young woman, by profession as a poker player, shared a video she pressed in and how after the bathroom got dark a moment later, it filled with disco lights, and the Bee Gees song “Staying Alive” started playing very loudly.
“It has to be Britain’s coolest bathroom, and I’m thinking of putting a button like it in my country. I made a playlist for that and everything,” said my dad.
Tweet embed “What’s the worst that could happen?” To me what a red cloth for a bull. #push the button
The Curious button, already installed on more services elsewhere, as can be seen in other videos on networks like TikTok, is in Perch in the Park, in Eastbourne, in East Sussex.
Meanwhile, managing director of Perch in the Park Alex Coombes confirmed to the Daily Mirror that they had paid around £700 (about €850) to outfit two unisex booths with a small dedicated disco, and said the backlash was worth it. Benny
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