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Fall holidays improve our mental health

Fall holidays improve our mental health

Traveling during the fall season brings us great mental health benefits. In these months where the days get shorter and everything is guided by routine, we can end up feeling a little more frustrated. Sometimes, taking a simple vacation or short trip can help us feel better. Because travel has many benefits for mental health. Do you know some of the most important ones?

* Reduces anxiety and stress. Leaving the routine behind, disconnecting from everyday life and focusing on the journey itself helps us stay away from stress, anxiety and worry. As travel expert Veronica Sanchez explains to us, “Trips don’t have to be big, just a short vacation of a few days can leave us coming back more relaxed and ready to face the fall months.”

* Improves our self-esteem. Traveling is leaving your comfort zone and encountering a completely different environment. Getting on a plane, finding your way around new places, adapting to new cultures, and doing things for the first time. When someone realizes everything they have done on the journey, their confidence and security are strengthened.

* Improves our ability to solve problems. Being in a different environment helps us see problems in perspective and find other points of view, and in this way it is easier for us to discover new strategies to confront them.

*It makes us feel happy. Doing things we love generates endorphins, the happiness hormone. Discovering new places, trying new flavors, and learning about new cultures will help us feel happy. Veronica explains it to us “When we travel, we do many things for the first time. No matter our age, the feeling of doing something new on every trip is a wonderful experience that will leave us feeling good, not just during that moment, but every time we remember it.”

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In addition to all the benefits that travel offers us and which are so essential in these months, taking a vacation in the fall offers us great advantages. Travel without the scorching summer heat, without crowds of people in August and at much cheaper prices than in the high season months.

A weekend, a short weekend getaway, or a couple of days where we can escape from work is the perfect excuse for a short vacation.It will improve our mental health and help us feel happier. “We should all take a short vacation from time to time, as it is very important for our mental health,” insists travel expert Veronica Sanchez.