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Today’s horoscope August 29, 2023 for all zodiac signs

Today’s horoscope August 29, 2023 for all zodiac signs

in it Today’s horoscope, Tuesday 29 August, Uranusthe planet that helps you get out of everything that limits you to expansion and keeps you in your comfort zone, begins its path receding So you can review the decisions you made impulsively and rebelliously.


Uranus is the planet that has long been responsible for sudden changes and unexpected situations in your economy. One consequence of this effect is increasing your impatience to achieve financial independence.

Because of this, your way of making money may have actually changed unexpectedly or you made a decision that did not give you the result you wanted. From today, the aforementioned planet begins its retrograde course and the changes you want to achieve may be delayed. Take advantage of this to analyze the situation and see what you can improve.

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Aries weekly horoscope from August 28 to September 3, 2023

Aries monthly horoscope for August

Aries annual horoscope 2023


Uranus, the planet responsible for bringing about unexpected changes, transits your sign. For this reason, in the last six months you will notice a lot of haste in the way you act and worry about fixing everything right away.

Accordingly, you may feel inside that you do not have enough time to make all the changes you want, but today the aforementioned star begins its retrograde, giving you the opportunity to review the planned changes. Now is the time when the Universe advises you to rethink it; Especially the one where you acted so selfishly.

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Taurus weekly horoscope August 28th to September 3rd, 2023

Taurus monthly horoscope for august

Taurus Annual Horoscope 2023


For months, Uranus, the planet associated with openness, gives you the opportunity to download more information. Especially through dreams and reflections. Because of this, your intellectual capacity has increased, in addition, your vision has greatly expanded and changed, leaving many structured and limited thoughts in order to connect with higher energy.

But, starting today and for the next few months, it will be retrograde and this movement will help you review the shifts you’ve made in your mind and be able to hold onto the shifts that resonate the most with you.

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Gemini weekly horoscope for August 28th to September 3rd, 2023

Gemini monthly horoscope for august

Gemini annual horoscope 2023


Six months ago, Uranus, which aims to encourage you to improve the quality of your life, brought you many new people so that you could share with them your desire for progress and future ideas.

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Today the aforementioned planet begins its retrograde course, and with this movement in your sign, old friends with whom you have shared the same ideals for some time may reappear.

And now they are returning to your life and will decide to join your new ideas and projects. So, if they had problems before, I suggest you go through the reasons for the discussion to talk about it and correct it.

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Cancer weekly horoscope August 28th to September 3rd, 2023

Cancer horoscope for August

Cancer annual horoscope 2023


For several months you have been changing the way you present yourself professionally in order to achieve more success. You left a traditional and classic image to show your true self and thus implement your own ideas and individuality.

In addition, you have been in situations that made you change your company or profession, as you did not recognize what you were doing.

This was due to the influence of Uranus, but as of today it will be in its retrograde path. With this change in the direction of said planet, you will analyze these decisions to modify or improve them.

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Leo weekly horoscope from August 28 to September 3, 2023

Leo monthly horoscope for august

Leo 2023 yearly horoscope


Uranus, the planet responsible for giving you more light and wisdom, has been influencing the area of ​​your sign related to life philosophies and religions in recent months. All this made you take a big turn in your mind and in your goals by getting to know other cultures and other visions of reality.

I also learned meditation and knew the true power of mantras. Today the said planet begins its retrograde motion so that you rethink those changes and if you are now clear about your ideals.

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Virgo Weekly Horoscope August 28th to September 3rd, 2023

Virgo monthly horoscope for august

Virgo Annual Horoscope 2023


Six months ago, Uranus, the star that pushes you to make changes so you can improve your life, is influencing you to make a restructuring in your inner world. Likewise, in your feelings, in order to know who to move away from or enter into your life, and thus prepare yourself for the arrival of new loved ones.

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But today, the aforementioned planet begins its retrograde path, so that you can re-analyze these changes and thus have a better love life. That is why I also advise you to prepare this special bath to attract happiness with natural ingredients.

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Libra weekly horoscope from August 28 to September 3, 2023

Libra monthly horoscope for august

Libra annual horoscope 2023


Uranus, the planet responsible for freeing you from the past and connecting with your personality and core, has been activating your personal relationships sector for several months now. Its purpose is for you to find that part of you that is totally unique and original so that you can attract those who are truly compatible with you.

Because of this, you’ve seen new people arrive in your life unexpectedly, and you may have started a relationship in a completely unexpected way. Today, the aforementioned star begins its retrograde motion so that you can check your continuity in that relationship.

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Scorpio weekly horoscope from August 28 to September 3, 2023

Scorpio monthly horoscope for august

Scorpio Annual Horoscope 2023


You are a sign known for expansiveness and not accepting limitations. In the past six months, you’ve noticed that you’re having a hard time maintaining your discipline and maintaining your work hours. This is due to the influence of Uranus, the planet representing your rebellion, which activates your zodiac action zone.

For this reason, you have made very rash decisions, because your priority is to achieve your practical and economic independence. But the aforementioned star today is starting its retrograde course so you can review these decisions and see if you should correct any of them.

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Sagittarius weekly horoscope from August 28 to September 3, 2023

Sagittarius monthly horoscope for August

Sagittarius Annual Horoscope 2023


You are one of the more organized zodiac signs out there. But due to the influence of Uranus, the planet associated with risky business, you have understood that it is appropriate for you to step out of your formalities and thus carry on with what your heart tells you. And that is why you have allowed yourself to flow in so many aspects and have begun the changes that you have to make in your life.

In particular, give vent to your feelings. Today the aforementioned star begins its retrograde course and thanks to this influence you will be able to begin to review the changes that have been made and see how much courage you have to continue to implement them.

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Capricorn weekly horoscope from August 28 to September 3, 2023

Capricorn monthly horoscope for august

Capricorn annual horoscope 2023


For several months now, Uranus, responsible for freeing you from the past so that you can improve your quality of life, has been influencing you to get out of the emotional problems that have been bothering you. Also in order to put aside what should no longer be in your life. In this way, you can attract new and happy situations into your environment.

But today, the aforementioned planet begins its retrograde course so that you can analyze these distances and consciously think about who you should distance yourself from and forget that old love once and for all with this ritual.

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Aquarius weekly horoscope for August 28th to September 3rd, 2023

Aquarius monthly horoscope for august

Aquarius annual horoscope 2023


Uranus, the planet responsible for stimulating your individuality and genius, has long favored you to renew your thoughts and feelings. Its goal is to help you get out of old ideas that only lead to repeating stories and not out of the inner maze.

Because of this, you flowed more freely, unleashing your curiosity and your heart, and also letting go of those you thought should not be with you anymore. Today the aforementioned planet will begin its retrograde motion and will remain in this state for several months, during which time you will be able to evaluate and reaffirm the changes that have been made.

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Pisces weekly horoscope from August 28 to September 3, 2023

Pisces monthly horoscope for august

Pisces Annual Horoscope 2023

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