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The governor of Texas opened part of his “border wall”

The governor of Texas opened part of his “border wall”

Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, Announced his “The boundary wall was officially raised“, When opening a section of work.

In a message on Twitter, he attacked a Republican politician Migration policies Of the President Joe Biden “We are taking action to protect our communities,” he added. He assured that his state was “protecting the border”.

Abbott visited Star County, where he made that announcement. Construction crews said it was installed all around 880 feet barrier Until Saturday afternoon.

“This unprecedented move is necessary for only one reason, and that is why the Biden administration did not do its job,” Abbott said.

In fiscal year 2021, immigration agents 1.7 million encounters have been reported Throughout The border between the United States and Mexico, Breaking the previous record of 1.6 million encounters in fiscal 2000.

Commissioner of Texas Public Land Office, with Abbott George b. BushLocal media outlets such as The Texas Tribune broadcast by representatives of the Texas Department of Public Security and the Texas National Guard.

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According to the store, Bush, who is currently running for Texas attorney general, said the fence will be built on state-owned land leased to a local farmer.

Abbott announced in June that the wall would be built across the state Border between Texas and Mexico Using government money and private donations funded by the crowd, the Tribune reported.

The Governor’s Office is assigned $ 250 million State resources, and legislators were appointed as the initial fee for the construction effort of the work $ 750 million In addition to the border restrictions during this year’s legislative session.

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The media has reported that the government has collected till December 13 $ 54 million Most of the private donations came from Timothy Mellon, president of Bon Am Systems, a private transport and freight company. Mellon has previously donated to anti-immigration law enforcement efforts.

Abbott told Fox News Friday that the state-funded wall would cost less than the estimate of the era. Donald Trump Because Texas will use land already owned by the state, rather than acquiring land.


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