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The cheapest homes in the US are found in these cities

The cheapest homes in the US are found in these cities

It is a fact that house prices in the US have fallen over the past weeks and months. This is synonymous with high interest rates on loans granted by banks.

However, in some cities of the country, the decline in prices was more pronounced, as revealed by the Realtor specialist website. Here we tell you which cities are the most affordable homes at the moment.

On this topic, most notably in Austin, Texas, where prices are down as much as 10%. why? In that city, the number of available real estate is increasing every day, and this is precisely the main reason.

To give you an idea of ​​prices, the median home cost last September was $558,275.00.

But Austin isn’t the only one experiencing these changes. In Phoenix, prices are down about 10%.

Cities with the most expensive housing in the United States

Austin and Phoenix lead this aspect, which is positive for those who want to buy a home today. Cuban Guide It provides you with a list of the rest of the cities in the country that have experienced declines in housing prices. What is synonymous with affordable real estate that can be purchased today.

Palm Beach, Florida, is down 8.9% from last June. In Charleston, South Carolina, the drop was 8.6%, a number similar to that shown by Ogden, Utah.

Home prices down 8% in Denver, Colorado. Las Vegas, Nevada discloses 7.9% and Stockton, California 7.7%.

Meanwhile, Durham, North Carolina, saw a decline of 7.5% and Spokane, Washington, 7.4%.

Finally, in Los Angeles, Sacramento and San Francisco, all in California, a 3.2% drop in prices was recorded.

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