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Double Specialty Family Emergencies: Doctors Say Yes

Double Specialty Family Emergencies: Doctors Say Yes

he Ministry of Health It was announced last Friday that Medicina de Emergencies and emergencies Will share a period of Joint training Two years with Family and community medicine. Positively appreciated restructuring of the family Its residents will obtain a double major Of these medical branches, the idea that They disagree All health professionals.
In light of this hypothesis and knowledge Doctors opinion About whether these doctors Should or no obtain a double degree, Medical writing to make reconnaissance On platforms Twitter, Facebook and Instagram With these Three options are available To vote: Yes, they should have it; Yes, but the training must be more than two years; Or not, because they are different specializations

Survey results on joint family emergency training

After analyzing the results of the survey, this became clearFor 69 percent Of the participants, A Total 1,624 votes, Come positive That family residents also obtain emergency and emergency qualifications once the MIR is completed, although there are Nuances.

Of all these people who agree, one 50 percent Of them, that is 810 participantsthey did not put There is no kind of objection For Familia residents to obtain it, with the option to scan Most votes. One of them said: “This recognition will only be a formality. Today this population has already become specialists in practice.”

More years of rehabilitation combined between family and emergency situations

On the other hand, for 19 percent Of that yes so Joint training These two branches are only two years old It doesn’t seem enough. For this reason, of the 304 participants who chose this third option, they wanted to make it clear that they also agree to double major, but first it is necessary to Increase common years Between family and emergency.

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One doctor explained this on LinkedIn, stressing that “at least” it should be so Five years together So they can get the degree. “This way, residents will have enough time to acquire the necessary knowledge in both specialties,” he explained.

31% refuse training for family emergencies

On the other hand, a large number of participants wanted to show their rejection of this proposal. In short, they did 510 users Who chose this option 31 percent Of the total, it is most notable They disagree Where double specialization is provided for family residents.

I vote no. One participant admitted: “I think they are two completely different specializations and have different job opportunities.”

Although it may contain statements, statements or observations from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend that the reader consult any health-related questions with a healthcare professional.