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PhD in Automation and Control

Hidalgo State Autonomous University offers graduate, master’s and doctoral programs in Automation and Control Sciences at the Institute of Basic Sciences and Engineering.

unmanned aerial vehicles and control devices, ground and underwater vehicles for detecting and fumigating pests on crops and for monitoring pollutants in air, water and soil; Automation of industrial robotic platforms, simplification of production processes such as drying food, control of critical processes with application to wastewater treatment and biofuels, development of human-robot interaction systems for medical purposes, application of artificial intelligence to forecast the quality of livestock products and climate predictions, these are some of the problems that These are addressed in the theses developed in these postgraduate courses.

The master’s degree is the state’s only research-oriented graduate degree with distinction that has been standardized before the National Postgraduate Program for Quality (PNPC) in the field of engineering and only started doctoral in 2018 and on August 4 was accepted to the PNPC with the distinction of the newly created program, valid for five Years.

The Ph.D. is a research-oriented program that has an impact on scientific training because it provides the ability to analyze processes, but also provides technical training; In such a way that graduates have skills in automation, instrumentation and process control, in addition to training to conduct scientific research in the field of automatic control.

Students own two specialized laboratories, one for advanced automation and control and the National Laboratory for Autonomous Vehicles and Exoskeletons, with scientific and industrial equipment.

Research lines and student theses collaborate with productive social sectors; For example, with Chinameca City Council, Veracruz, where they use drones on crops; With DIF Hidalgo to develop haptic robotic platforms; With IP Control Company where the design and construction of stamp printing machines is carried out; With INABISA for monitoring and diagnosis of pollutants in the Mezquital Valley, Hidalgo, and with the Directorate of Planning and Foresight of the State of Hidalgo, a project on precision agriculture and land use change is being developed.

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The program has been developed by a multidisciplinary group of researchers with profiles in automation, instrumentation, advanced control and process, bioprocess control, mobile robotics, processors and signal processing, artificial intelligence, control systems theory and in technological innovation strategies.

All professors have demonstrated academic training and experience in research and professional work, and most of them belong to the Conacyt National Scholars System.

Among the employees, 14 are from the United Arab Emirates, in addition to the participation of 2 researchers with a PhD of Science in autonomous air and submarine navigation systems for the Joint International Unit of the Center for Advanced Research and Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute.

In addition, it is supported by the UAE Academic Electronic and Control Authority, whose level is standardized before PRODEP.

Liliam Rodriguez Guerrero

PhD Coordinator in the UAE