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Is it necessary to “surprise” the muscle to make it grow?

Is it necessary to “surprise” the muscle to make it grow?

The pandemic, and the subsequent confinement at home during the quarantine, has prompted many users to eagerly consume training videos on the internet to repeat at home. Don’t fall into it boring, or routines, were constants of the time fixed in the subconscious of many consumers of social networks. the ‘influencersIn an apparent effort to stand out from the growing competition, they innovated Original and different exercises. As the weeks went by, ideas were running out and each time the recommendations were bizarre and in many cases nonsensical.

After three years, the focus is off training at home, but not on authenticity. Bizarre exercise videos abound in gyms with machines with a thousand attachments or rubber bands placed in supposedly strategic places to make “the movement more efficient”. Not always this way. Alvaro Guzmanpersonal trainer Biomechanics specialist Known on Instagram as @alvarotrainer, He devotes himself daily to denying, scientific evidence in hand, some of these “ingenious exercises ”.

“One of the reasons these types of videos are consumed is because there is a misconception If we always train in the same way, muscles will not develop. And this is not true, the specialist explains. Guzmán refers to this well-known tenet of popular fitness wisdom that in order for muscles to grow you have to “surprise” them. This statement is correct if I understand correctly, but it can be misleading. Surprisingly, the muscles don’t change every day of exercise, however Give him reasons to grow & rdquor;Guzman points out.

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The really effective training programs are the ones that… gradually and steadily They progress from point A and through gradual increases in frequency, intensity or sequence, they take us to point B & rdquor; argues the biomechanics expert. The key, he says, is Keep up with the exercises For a while to allow us to learn the correct technique and be able to improve their implementation and increase loads and Properly stimulate the muscles. “If you’re constantly changing the exercises, you won’t surprise the muscles, but just drive them crazy,” he jokes.

How should we train?

So, are Instagram or Tik Tok exercises really effective if we do them for a while? Obviously it will depend on Practice in the question. Although in some cases, the differences They can provide tension or extra effort to the muscle, on other occasions, they can become so Harmful For not being more than just viral marketing visual content than a training routine effective.

“You have to analyze this movement and see if it makes sense before you do it, and if you don’t have the knowledge to do it, trust the professionals,” Guzmán assures. to see the Formula 1 You wouldn’t build a car for yourself, would you? It certainly won’t work. Well, the same thing happens with training. Setting up your own routine or copying what you see on the networks has its risks and is definitely not effective in achieving success. Goal that you raised & rdquor; , trench.

“Ultimately you have to be hands-on. Did the exercise catch your eye and did you look at it because it’s so amazing? Probably nothing more than that.” cheerfulEntertainment, however Not really effective for biomechanical purposes & rdquor; Expert reasons. Ultimately, the trainer advocates that the traditional exercises are ultimately the most recommended or, if not, safe, because they are usually the easiest to perform. Although it is also true that if biomechanical principles are taken into account, on some occasions variations on traditional exercises can be more effective to achieve better results. Ultimately, biomechanics is, in a nutshell, the study of the human body, its movement, and its tolerance Improve your exercises and training to achieve better results by adapting the exercise to each of them, so that exercises modified under these principles become a better training option.

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